He’s always been quite the maverick.
He’s always been quite the maverick.
So the other day I was watching music videos on Youtube and I clicked on one from the Justice League soundtrack, titled “Everybody Knows,” as I was curious to see if it was a cover of the Leonard Cohen song. It was. I learned two very important things, reading the comments for that video. 1) It’s amazing how many Zach…
Apparently everyone is crediting Snyder with the inclusion of a cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Everybody Knows” in the soundtrack (and apparently a key moment in the movie).
Yeah, but I mean, it’s incredible that it has a score that high. I mean, geez, we all know how terrible the average person’s taste is. This show straight up should not be as successful as it is, because it’s so perfect. It is, quite literally, too good for this world. This is a world where Two and a Half Men, Two…
I agree. But in the context of the original post, which set the bar at Parks and Recreation, I felt it still fit. I mean P&R was fantastic, but in the end, it was another workplace ensemble sitcom, and therefore nothing truly unique, even if it was one of the absolute best ever to grace that (already lofty) genre.
Unsurprising? Come on, you gotta admit it’s at least a little surprising. I love this show dearly, but I won’t be even slightly surprised when it ends. The fact that we got 2 seasons already floors me. Between the simple fact that the best sitcoms tend to die young and the fact that this show is so high-concept, every…
I think you may be giving short shrift to Michael Schur’s other currently-running sitcom, Brooklyn Nine Nine, which is every bit as good as this, albeit in a completely different way.
Sadly, we won’t, because even most middle of the road Republicans are far from sane, and would still prefer a train wreck like Trump to a damn lib’rul Demonrat.
Dammit. I really don’t want a reason to see this movie. Unfortunately, Lizzy Caplan is my Achilles’ Heel.
This myth needs to end. Or rather, it needs proper syntax. The truth is: Rape is not totally about sex. But it is partially about sex. The whole thing of exercising power over another person, is itself sexual for these scumbags.
...how did you jump from “I can’t bring myself to watch it” to “let’s ban it”?
Not sure if I can bring myself to watch these. I mean, the concept sounds funny, but so far every other parody of Alex Jones and other alt-right morons that I’ve seen has been utterly painful, thanks to their ability to completely demolish Poe’s Law (by proving its truth far more perfectly than anyone ever had before).
...dammit, this is why I need to scroll down further before making a joke. Well done, anyway.
It’s clobberin’ time! Oh... wrong Thing? Nevermind, Modusoperandi already made the joke...
No, no, no. It’s about hating freedom and our troops, apparently.
I suspect you aren’t the only one who had wiped Dune from memory. I’m in the rare minority who actually loved that movie, despite also being a fan of the books.
I’m at least 90% certain that his portrayal of Duncan Idaho (or was he Gurney Halleck?) in David Lynch’s Dune was bald.
Even Franken has admitted it happened. Granted, he tries to excuse it as “a joke gone wrong.” But there’s no denying it happened.
Excuses sexual assault on the basis of men’s “biological urges.” Tells women to “get over [their] biological urges.” Holy fuck.
Nah, he likes his books much younger than that.