Yeah, the Nazis were lawful evil, the KKK is more nebulously neutral evil to chaotic evil!
Yeah, the Nazis were lawful evil, the KKK is more nebulously neutral evil to chaotic evil!
What about those of us who intend not to defend the guy, but to criticize the AV Club for this rage-bait non-story? I mean, I legitimately want this guy to die, but I think this particular story is idiotic. It’s on par with “covfefe.”
Oh fuck off. I’ve read the fucking memo, and it is absolutely anti-diversity and pro-misogyny. The dude is a fucking moron who should have his degree stripped for being a fucking ignoramus.
When I first read the article, his subsequent tweets hadn’t loaded. He jumped off the slippery slope trying to justify his initial tweet, which was 100% an old joke. So, yeah... people started bashing him based on that initial tweet, which was dumb, even considering what a shitbag he is. Then in his attempts to…
Jesus Christ... I think this may be where you finally lose me. I read this article, fully expecting this anti-diversity shitbag to have written something truly reprehensible that would justify my labeling him a shitbag. Instead you give me a lame joke that about 10000 completely woke people have made for years. My…
That, and a video game that accurately depicted hunting would be widely derided as a “walking simulator,” albeit one where you have the option of simply sitting in one spot for 10 hours.
Weird... signing orders giving hunters more access to public lands, including monuments, seems wildly at odds with his primary goal of selling off public lands and monuments to private parties.
Ahh, the celebrity rumor equivalent of vague, passive-aggressive Facebook posts.
On the other hand, in Trump’s case it’s almost certainly a literal usage of the word as well, because there’s no way in hell any woman married to him doesn’t have a side-piece. No amount of money can make up for the sexual dissatisfaction fucking Trump would entail.
Oh, fuck off with your false equivalence bullshit.
I largely agree with what you’re saying, but I will disagree on two minor points. First, free speech is still free speech even if it results in the speaker losing a few teeth as a result of said speech. Second, while I agree it’s probably not right to physically attack someone who says something merely disgusting,…
Can we please end the use of “antifa” as a name/descriptor? Not only does it sound utterly stupid, but it helpfully (for the fascists) obscures the fact that they are against fascism. Antifascist. Is that so hard?
Sorry to ask this here, but I don’t know if there’s any kind of general Kinja support thread somewhere...
That would explain a lot. I didn’t know that about Perlmutter (he’s not someone I pay a lot of attention to), so I figured the reasoning was strictly of the “let’s not rock the boat/piss off our racist fanbase” variety.
So, the gist I get from this review is that the show is far better than most of us would have guessed.
The only thing I liked about the back half of the most recent season of AoS is the fact that it was essentially the MCU take on the atrocious ongoing Secret Empire (aka Nazi Cap) storyline, and unlike the comic book version, they made it extremely obvious that it was an allegory about current real world events.
In addition to the points others made about Manimal being notorious in his DC fanboy-ing, he also had a bad habit of upvoting himself (on Disqus you can see who your upvotes are from), which, obviously is extremely poor form.
Montana boy here, and though I don’t hunt, I don’t find any of this particularly strange or off-putting (though I can understand how someone from a large city would). Also, I love your Frisky Dingo avatar. I recently re-watched that, and immediately recognized Simon’s battle-rabbit.
I just love how a group of people who deliberately lies, often utterly ruining people’s lives through those lies, tries to take the moral high ground over a child rightly calling them fucking idiots.
Wow. Learn something new every day. I would have sworn the storage capacity he was stated to have was measured in mere MB (I seem to recall a lot of people mentioning that he couldn’t even store a full MP3 song), but doing some quick research before I posted that, I discovered you are correct. Neat!