Huh... so posting seems to work okay, but apparently editing a post doesn’t work.
Huh... so posting seems to work okay, but apparently editing a post doesn’t work.
Testing to see if this works...
I agree for the most part, but it's somewhat situational. There are times and places where a little informality is warranted, even in an otherwise professional setting.
Confession is good for the soul.
The only problem I ever had with Netflix's recommendations before they switched to the current nuance-free binary system, was the fact that they'd always recommend the newest Netflix originals even if they were pre-rated for me at 1 star or less (like the various Adam Sandler vehicles). "Hey, we already know you're…
Netflix used to do a decent job of suggesting comedy for me until they went to their "let's drop all nuance" thumbs up/thumbs down rating system. Because, really, either you think something is awesome or you hate it.
But why?! This was just so painfully bad. One of the most egregiously wasted casts I've ever seen.
I actually lived in Missoula for a couple years. Wish I was still there, actually. Much nicer town than Billings. If you put Reserve Street in Billings, there would be 10 road-rage killings here every single day.
Yeah, I'm supposed to be in the 93-95% band as well, just the opposite direction (Billings).
2016/2017 is when Poe's Law became the law of the land.
Jesus… that must have been rough. I hope you don't have too many nightmares from that. *shudder*
Fucking a… calling the drug-facilitated rape of a 13 year old a "misdemeanor." Fuck that guy.
…which, even if he hadn't drugged and sodomized her, she was 13. It's not like he fucked some 16 year old who was just shy of legal in whichever state. He fucked a child.
If she's good enough to find John Mayer's micropenis, surely she could simulate fellatio on herself.
Oh my god! Now that you've suggested a post-RoTJ Boba Fett movie, I've found a reason to care about that movie. How amazing would it be if it were basically a whole movie about him going through physical therapy and getting his life together?!
I interpreted that one in the sense of "He's hung like a can of creamed corn." So, you know, maybe butt stuff? Really, just whichever orifice is more capacious.
Not extremely surprising, but my love for the work of Blixa Bargeld in general, and Einstürzende Neubauten in specific. Between his solo stuff and Neubauten, Bargeld has made more songs that make me weep for their beauty than maybe any other musician, and most people just scratch their heads at best, or flee in…
Actually only 6-7" depending on level of arousal and weight fluctuations. Really, it's more about technique than about the equipment. And I sincerely hope this comment comes across as the right blend of disturbing and funny.
"He only beats me because he loves me and knows I'm capable of better, but I just keep disappointing him!"