To be fair, they have to say that. Saying otherwise would mean immediate termination, which does no one any good.
To be fair, they have to say that. Saying otherwise would mean immediate termination, which does no one any good.
As a fellow straight guy, I'm reversed on that one. While Hiddleston doesn't do it for me (I'm saving my Kinsey scale exception for Chris Evans or Idris Elba), I can definitely understand his appeal. Hemsworth, I can understand only in the most basic sense—he's buff and probably generically handsome.
Of course it was a white display. Black and Muslim displays are just genetically predisposed to violence.
It's much more ironic than you think.
Fortunately, that was only one of the many ways in which that book was utter shit.
I have no clue if you're being sarcastic or not, but I would legitimately laugh at that. I'm a bit of a dick, yeah, why do you ask?
Ughhh, I forgot about that. Honestly, though, any adaptation of that book needs to excise any sex scene with YT. I can't remember if that was the only one. It was definitely the most explicit.
I get where you're coming from on the first part, but I disagree that Diamond Age has less going on. I mean, if nothing else, it's tonally difficult to nail down. I mean, it's pretty much Jane Eyre by way of, well… William Gibson, with an industrial music soundtrack.
I think Idoru could be a decent movie if it hadn't already been surpassed by reality. Honestly, that's one problem with a lot of "cyberpunk" novels, the fact that they now seem terribly dated.
I think Snow Crash may be the perfect chance for Zach Snyder to redeem himself. I mean, the book is pretty much a movie as it is. Give it to someone with no imagination but a slavish devotion to the source "imagery" like Snyder, and you could have a decent movie on your hands.
I don't know that Diamond Age would be more adaptable, nor would it likely be as popular, but even as much as I love Snow Crash I have to agree that Diamond Age is the one I'd be even more excited to see. Honestly, though, I guarantee you that they'd fuck it up unless they gave it to, say, Joss Whedon.
I think he's just a bigot who is trying to seem like he's not a bigot, despite a history of espousing bigoted views. *edit* Also, I suppose he probably also doesn't want to utterly alienate his few remaining liberal readers who may not be aware of what a shitty asshole he is. So he can't come right out and endorse…
"Well, I can get behind his hatred for women and minorities, but I can't fully embrace his 'being an utter moron policy,' despite the fact that I believe in magical thinking."
Sadly, this is pretty low on the scale of Awful Things Scott Adams Believes. *edit* I mean, at least this one only harms him.
Haven't they already done one? Or at least a Lifetime movie?
Yeah, but there's a difference between "trashy" and trash. Granted, some things, like, say, 50 Shades, manage to be both.
I'm always hesitant to leave stuff in containers I don't own, as I can never quite seem to figure out which ones respawn and at what intervals (even when I look it up, I never quite feel comfortable with it).
Considering that I played NV in Survival mode, and would have played 4 that way as well if Survival mode had been available when the game first released (since I've been playing the same game since it launched), I'd say I'm on the opposite end of that spectrum from you. Honestly, even as much as I may bitch about…
I really should do that. Especially since I've already maxed out my relationships with all the companions I've encountered so far, barring Nick Valentine ('cause I think you have to find all the wassisname Winter holotapes to get Nick's perk?).
The ability to cheat via console commands is exactly why I chose to play Fallout 4 on PS4 rather than PC. While console commands were helpful for getting around some of the inevitable bugs in 3 and New Vegas, they also kind of ruined the game for me because the lure of cheating eventually wore me down and then the…