
cant control what journalists own

metal coating on the inside of container really thinly

the video was taken down :((

while I think teleportation is best, I cant argue with the sketchiness of it's long term use. I'm sure if I could turn invisible I'd likely start a career as a master burglar tomorrow. sure it'd start out as a robinhood like intent, but eventually I'd own the mona lisa and the crown jewels

I personally thing a single 3hr film would have been fine, BUT I concede that this cut is leaps and bounds more improved to the three we got (speaking from a "true to the books" position)

that love triangle pissed me off a bit, it really added nothing to the story of reclaiming the lonely mountain, and on top of that when Evangeline Lilly originally signed on to the Hobbit movies her contract stated she refused the love triangle proposed. They later did 'filming reshoots' and added it in against her.

to be fair these polls dont take into consideration "throwaway accounts", like when your forced to sign up for a site so that you can download a file or access an article, or temporary/spam email accounts used to sign up for stuff w/o giving your real account. For most of those things my password is very similar,

A lot of the tension usually comes from the fact that you don't know when you're safe or not. Sometimes nothing is there, but it SOUNDS like something is just around the corner. And other times everything seems calm, right up until a shadow moves and your radio starts to hiss.

so we're only taking into account consumer, entertainment electronics?? Cuz I'm real excited for the RAM work Samsung is doing, 3D printer affordability, robotics, and the huge prostetics leaps made in 2014

my wife would agree

im so confused about this 'new 3DS' thing. So are some games now not going to work with my 3DS XL? Because I'be heard monster hunter, majoras mask, and Xenoblade don't work on 3DS... This seems like a HORRIBLE move by Nintendo (who already confused people with Wii/WiiU)...

The Russians are AMATEURS!!!!! They forgot to put star(s) in the ball.

well if you recall the last ep. of S2 for Twin Peaks,

wouldn't make sense seeing as David Duchovny has/had a role in twin peaks. casting an actor twice would be lame

was developed, not released to market

yes they do

This user may have been happier with, "Samsung made a new SSD, you won't believe what happens next!"

so damn impressive, but the real feat was tipping right-side-up instead of falling on their side AFTER changing the tire

my PC IS the recommended specs XD a 3770 3.4Ghz, 8Gb of ram and an Nvidia 770 hahaha

no such thing as proprietary USB. it's prob mini-usb or micro-usb. USB is a universal standard that's pretty strict on what constitutes a USB connection or port