
Right there with you. Grew up with that generation of rap, so it’s super exciting to see something new from one of my favs!

Carolina is 7-1

Bo Jackson was also drafted in the First Round by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, but played for the Kansas City Royals. Since he never signed a NFL Contract, he was drafted the next year by the Raiders in the 7th Round

It’s Return of the Jedi, as in return of THE Jedi - the return of Anakin Skywalker. It’s not the return of the Jedi as a group or religion or such. It’s the return of the one Jedi to the light side of the Force. Return of the Jedi. Think about it.

There is your problem, comparing a campy space opera to two US Canon “Great” novels. If you do that, A New Hope will not survive critique either.

Fuck you. Pootie Tang is awesome.

Because some (most) people don’t have the flexibility to pick and choose employment to find a perfect fit. Sometimes a trans person needs to work at a shitty Wal-Mart to pay the bills and dammit, they don’t deserve crap from some shithead assistant manager who disagrees with their lifestyle.

No snark - I respect his decision. Must be really difficult to do it when he is and it takes stones to do so.

Shouldn’t you be calling sports talk radio?

No one gives a shit.

Felt the same way then I got into Hyjal years before cata using the Ashenvale horde beach camp’s Flight path glitch.. Such awesome memories

Yea, but is Flacco elite?

There’s a few of us elite minds that posted this. +1, the only correct way to answer.

Dying old ladies can be fucking idiots too.

If something out of the ordinary happened to Williams’ balls, it makes sense for Rex Ryan to be as ambiguous as possible. No reason to lose Karlos for four games.

I know we all love to pretend professional athletes are only controlled by the unwritten rules and culture of their sports while in the locker room, but shouldn’t Enemkpali, you know, go to jail if he cold-cocked a guy hard enough to break his jaw?

Hey, if anyone can help Ben weasel out of a relationship and into a new lady ...

As a jets fan, this seasons is starting per usual

Dumb comment

check the standings, pal.