
I am Samoyed at myself that this made me chuckle.

This comment is down the fuckin middle, however.

How amazing was it when Tyus hit that absurd three pointer and they showed Thibs on the sidelines with an absolutely pissed look on his face because it was a stupid shot to take?

Riley cooper will fight every commenter here if he's left out of a comment like this again.

You know what? I’m optimistic that we aren’t. I think there are the beginnings of a shift in public opinion/education on guns and police brutality. I think that almost everyone outside of the absolute nuttiest gun nuts and police nuts recognize, at the very least, that everything is not alright in a very major way.

Now playing

John Oliver’s whole segment a few weeks ago was leading to exactly what you are saying. Their message is consistent and binary. Always say no when anything regarding guns is proposed by lawmakers. No matter what it is, no matter the circumstances, always just vote no.

How shitty is JE11? God it's an effort just to say it.

Your point is definitely salient - the Nuggets haven’t landed a marquee FA since Kenyon Martin, and their farcical Dwyane Wade pursuit just underscores how much of an afterthought they are in the league.

When you try to make someone look stupid for what they wrote, and the reader comes away thinking what was written was actually really prescient, I think you’ve failed.

I bet a guy named Steve could give you a detailed answer.

The Magic probably lost this trade in terms of on-paper value, but in terms of fit, I think its great for them. Having a backcourt of two non-shooters is a nightmare, and with Hezonja and Fournier making more than capable scoring wings, Oladipo isn’t that huge of a loss at SG. Gordon will play 3 and smallball 4, and

Nuggets haven’t had a high enough pick to pick someone with a huge impact since Carmelo. They’ve done a fantastic job with the picks they’ve had in the last ten years. Ty Lawson, Faried, Fournier, Nurkic, and Jokic have all been long-term productive players, all drafted in the midrange. Recently, Mudiay and Gary

I wonder what your motivation for this article was?

Jesus guy you really have strong feelings about Brogdon. Kawhi shot 25% from three his last year at SDSU and had barely any offensive polish to speak of. I was just saying that writing someone off as never improving is foolish, especially when the very team we’re discussing has a perfect example why.

Choosing Deflategate for your “serious” sports topic to discuss is about as timely and important as if Jon Oliver did a big rant on Malaysia flight 370.

your last paragraph could be about Kawhi in 2011.

dipshit opinion*

I actually 100% believe you. I ate some insanely hot wings with these peppers a few weeks ago and my eyes were leaking and red and I couldn’t barely function for 15 minutes. His eye isn’t even red or runny at the 20 minute mark.

it doesn’t have to do with best interests, it has to do with # of cumulative flagrants until you’re suspended, dipshit.

In the time it took you write that diatribe, you could’ve googled why Draymond was suspended, and realized that the Adams kick actually factored directly into it. Good theory though.