
The guy is clearly being self-deprecating already, so I’m not sure why you are taking up a moral fight against this dude who just wants to go watch his team in one of the very few late season games in which they are relevant.

It’s almost beautiful.

I used to love the post-metal band Isis and have a shirt of theirs lying around somewhere. Making a note to not wear it in north Carolina.

2013: Giannis, Schroder, Shabazz (can’t really blame him for drafting Nerlens here)

Your three seasons of tanking have led to a defensive big man who’s ceiling is sixth man on a contender, another big man who’s a mixed bag of offensive talent, defensive lapses, and highly questionable off-court decisions, some dude in Europe, and Greg Oden 2.0. Yet you’re making fun of the Browns organizational

The Lakers have made honest efforts to improve their team (chasing LMA, acquiring real, albeit mediocre, NBA players in Hibbert, Williams, and Bass) and have had season ending injuries to Julius Randle and Kobe that have led to their depleted rosters.

To Trump’s point, Dion Waiters has committed numerous atrocities.

I saw this headline and thought some new development must have happened but nope its just a 6 day late weigh-in on a topic that just about every voice in sports media has already covered.

Reminds me of one of my all time favorite Onion videos.

Dude you need to chill. I work for a massive technology company and Powerpoint is our go-to. It has its flaws, but not enough for you to go on this weird crusade you’re going on basically calling anyone who uses it an idiot. Prezi is a nice alternative but it doesn’t in any way make Powerpoint obsolete.

If Stephs dominance is a function of a league where players don’t receive as much contact as they used to, why aren’t more players putting up numbers like Steph?

Whenever someone says something to the effect of “do you even understand probability/economics/basic math/history etc” as an argumentative crutch, I immediately know that they themselves do not understand it.

These Pornhub descriptions are getting downright poetic.

Starring this stupid stupid joke just for the Pats fans inevitable reaction.

Your point about the medicine is spot on. My dad is a doctor and my mom pretends to be. She is constantly stressed about medicine interactions and getting too dependent on medicines.

Because, every once in a while, winning a game in sports trumps the bigger picture of being able to draft the next failed QB 5 spots higher with a loss.

“Frustrated young guys with money make bad decisions”

Rain Rondo is a hell of a nickname, albeit unfortunate for the worst shooting PG in recent memory.

“We may be stuck with this monster”

+1 Godwin’s Law