
tried having a reasonable conversation with you. Didn’t work. Have fun in your world!

Dammit, George. Keep your internal memos private.


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here and answer your question as to why we don’t talk about these.

Oh hello random dude digging up a month old long discussion to call me a moron! Have a nice day internet friend.

I guess we just have different opinions of a polarizing player. I don’t have a logical multi-point argument for not liking him, I just don’t. In this case I think it’s rookie shit to talk shit to the team you just beat. It’s entertaining and unpredictable but it just feels un-warranted from a player who downright

ha what? I don’t root for the Cavs. But I guess my Nuggets fanship does still mean I root for a loser. dammit.

Dray is making an elite case for most-hated fuccboi in the NBA right now, right?

Yeah the acting was pretty rough, and not a lot of action either. I just get confused when people are like “that was so pointless!” when that will likely be a hilarious misread in the future.

People bitching about the Dorne plot is just the greatest example of need for immediate gratification in TV shows and complete lack of creative foresight. Has it occurred to ANYONE that what is seemingly inconsequential may be world-changing in the long run? I guess people are only satisfied when B + W make their

I think a mandatory financial management course would be more effective. Compound interest, gambling percentages, odds of vanity businesses like restaurants, bars, etc succeeding, and a class on how to say no to people pressing you.

What tipped you off that it would be an unemotional, facts-based, traditional news item? The “Rants” tag, or the “Eat Shit” in the headline?

Haha exactly! Who wins the series is a foregone conclusion after every game, with some foolproof, overarching reason why.

Hunter has always had a strong distaste for two things that are the same being so close.

I don’t know man. you think maybr they take themselves seriously because they are the engines of a billion dollar industry and also happen to be some of the most competitive people on planet earth who have succeeded enough to join an elite fraternity of only 350 people?

I was checking out some related articles that I’d missed and saw your comment in response to EJErik and wanted to provide another perspective on DJing. I never really talked about Zac Efron. Also if this quote - “It’s always awesome when that reality hits too close to home for some people...” wasn’t a veiled insult at

“Before it went digital it had to be done by ear and indeed was a skill. Digital DJing made it so you can literally have zero skill and pull it off.”

This shit is wildly inaccurate.

huh? dude you can make fun of this movie but everything in the trailer is technically accurate. And laptop DJ isn’t really a slam anymore tbh especially if he’s on CDJs.

Leslie I love most of your stuff but I’m confused why you think this is so terrible. Is it because of the inclusion of the word bro? I think this is a pretty cool idea. But then again I have been known to wear snapbacks and Jordans so I guess that could just be my bro ness speaking?