Oooooh. You so brave. And pathetically passive-aggressive.
Oooooh. You so brave. And pathetically passive-aggressive.
I love how Deadspin buries the lead by waiting until the end of the story to mention that the NYC team whose dicks they were sucking the entire story LOST THE FUCKING GAME.
Deadspin still trying to make it about the Mets and their season is over. Jesus Christ.
And by the way...since you did your self-righteous Kiko Alonso/Bountygate story, do I need to point out to you that the supposed architect of Bountygate is now the defensive coordinator for the New York Jets? Why don’t you do a story about that since Deadspin is so woke about bounties?
So Deadspin can make fun of Saints fans for crying about refs, but every single writer on Deadspin can use their bully pulpit to cry EVERY SINGLE DAY about how bad it is to be Jets and Knicks fans.
I mean, you could do a story about the person who won the game. But that wouldn’t fit into Deadspin’s narrative, would it?
Can anything be done about the 18 wheelers that get in the left lane and pass another 18 wheeler going 60 MPH at a speed of 60.01 MPH?
It’s amazing the things that myopic New York “journalists” think we care about.
Nope. Still don’t care about the Knicks.
Jesus, Deadspin. America cares less about the Mets than they do about the Knicks, you myopic idiots.
She didn’t get traded to the team she wanted to be traded to. Clearly the Pelicans are to blame.
Hey Deadspin, how’s Cowardly Pelican dick taste?
There were 32 picks last night. But let’s do the same tired “OMG NEW YORK DOESN’T LIKE THEIR DRAFT PICK!” story. How original.
Still waiting for a story about Anthony Davis’ t-shirt and his chickenshit excuse, you cowards.
So...When do we get a post about Anthony Davis wearing a “That’s All Folks” t-shirt to the final Pelicans, and then coming up with about the biggest chicken-shit excuse for doing it?
What made you think we care at all about this?
First, Deadspin calls a team “cowardly” because they refused to trade a generational talent to the Lakers because Bron told ESPN they should. Now, Deadspin calls a team “cowardly” because they used a sound legal offensive strategy to win a game.
Nope. Still Don’t Give a fuck about the Knicks.