
For fucks sake. Her brain isn’t even fully formed yet.

Possibly slightly OT plus-size clothing complaint: I JUST WANT WORK/CASUAL BASICS. I don’t care about looking “hot”. I don’t need skintight shit that looks like I should be at the club. I love my bodacious ta-tas but am not interested in displaying them at the office. I just want regular, grown-up, non-adolescent,

Luckily, you weren’t on the jury.

I had no idea that dry golf courses were things that existed, and now the sport’s death must be even further accelerated

I kinda feel like holding a bird down so you can paint its nails is torture, but I’m willing to entertain alternate takes.

I'm a black French girl, and when I studied in Finland, it was like I was Beyoncé or Rihanna. Men nearly fought to talk to me. Good times ☺️

Someone go pick Drake up and hug him. He is in a corner somewhere weeping.