M'apologies m'lady.
M'apologies m'lady.
Cool anecdote, sir.
Doesn't that depend how you "leave" the app tho? Like if you hit the back button on Android it will end the Activity and if you hit the home button it will pause/stop the Activity and only end it if memory is needed somewhere else? I'm just learning to program so I might be saying something stupid.
If only there was someone that you or the other people could report this criminal to, someone like maybe, i dunno, the police?
Clearly this girl is repeating what her parents told her before and it's kinda disturbing that her parents have threatened her with being taken away by "the man" at her naughty step if she didn't behave.
He's not fat, he's just a little chubby.
My anaconda don't...
Classic JayHova...
Hahahaha, suckers.
Sorry, replied to the wrong person.
If you think about it was a really great joke. It caters to ignorant racists and to sophisticated smart liberals alike.
Woah, you guys need to chill. We don't know yet with a 100% certainty that he hasn't raped or intends on raping anyone in the future.
"Hey, Ho Man come look at this guy wit the cleaver"
Hey, at least he is reasonable and is not asking for a PS4.
So we don't get STDs from him?
No videogames would be a nice start.
The third best of the Olympics.
The real question is why there are statute of limitations in molestation cases in the first place?