
Yes, I certainly do. I don't use either companies services unless it's absolutely necessary.

How did I know this exact comment would be first...

Facebook is the little guy?

Not a fan of either company, but I do kind of hope Oculus gets hit hard in this suit. I support any action that takes steps in killing Facebook. That companies whole business model is based on shady practices, advertising, and lies. Another company will pick up the VR torch. Hopefully this time it won't be tainted by

On the nice weather note, I'm seeing the sun here for the first time this week. Seems like such a simple thing, but all the clouds and rain were really starting to affect me.

To be honest I have no idea. The reviews on Amazon are promising though! I opted for free shipping so I won't know until next weekend. -_-

Couldn't resist those Soul headphones. Only ~$59 when I just now ordered them. Thanks again Shane!

Ha! You get a blue star for that one.

Also a solid idea. I just think that its kind of criminal that games like Devil May Cry have received the HD/update treatment, yet SMB3 hasn't seen an update since GBA. Usually I detest paying multiple times for essentially the same game, but in this case... I make the exception. I'd buy it 100 times if there were

In my humble opinion, SMB3 is 2d platforming perfected. I've been playing it every now and then for over 20 years and it's still amazing. I have no intention of buying a Wii U at the moment, but a HD remake of this game would be all I'd need to justify it.

...choking down a purple mushroom.


That 1-2 run was awesome. This has reminded me that it's about time I should replay this game. Still my favorite after all these years.

What? "You are mom is my girlfriend?" Are you... you ok bud?... Smelling burnt toast? Either you've had a stroke or you don't understand the English language. I need to know if I should call someone.

Oh right, this is out today! I preordered on Steam a while back and it totally slipped my mind. After all the fun I had with South Park's turn based battles, I'm really looking forward to this. Couch co-op with the misses sounds promising too.


Well, yeah... We've been photoshopping the hell out of this since Sunday. Hell, I did TWO.


LOL, holy shit that's gold.