
Like those weaponized expanding Pretzels that GWB choked on while watching the super bowl.

Indeed wetting it down defeated the non-linear junction detector (NLJD) being used to sweep the office. Her knowing this surprised be given her otherwise naive nature.

Martha's bathroom scene had me confused until I realized that by soaking the receiver in water, she was defeating the non-linear junction detector (NLJD) (metal detector looking gadget) that the guy sweeping the office was using.

The whole Clark/Martha thing is so creepy. It won't end well.

If she does, she will look even dumber. I will say, I was impressed that she found a way to hide the receiver from the non-linear junction detector by soaking the electronics in water. Did Philip teach that to her, or was it knowledge learned on the job as FBI secretary. For a moment I thought she was going to stop up

It won't end well for Martha…..But she may get a shot in, putting Phillip on the mend.