“Anti-persperant is bad because it fucks with your body’s natural waste-excretion process, and deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell.”
“Anti-persperant is bad because it fucks with your body’s natural waste-excretion process, and deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell.”
No. You go through with the dance. You do it with gusto. Then you give the toast. You roast the groom. You then proceed to drink it all. Everything. I mean, every last thing. You do rails and bales. You smoke up out on the patio. Then you grovelfuck a catering server in the men’s bathroom with the stall door open,…
I stopped wearing deodorant of any sort a few years back (now 33, I quit in my late-twenties). Anti-persperant is bad because it fucks with your body’s natural waste-excretion process, and deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell. After a few months of adjustment, the changeover…
You’re trying too hard
Hershey’s Chocolate is fucking terrible and I will fight people over this. They’ve conditioned America to accept it as the standard for milk chocolate when in reality it’s like 90% corn syrup. I’ll eat it if it is sitting around, but it’s trash compared to other readily available brands like Lindt and Ghiradelli.…
For the most part Uber for me has been cheaper, cleaner, offered nicer cars, not refused my trips due to distance, non-surly drivers, no asshole dispatcher to call to get a ride maybe withing an hour and my payment is flawless.
Counterpoint: I wish everyone would start offering matte paint at least as an option. It can, and often does, look amazing.
No.... it wasn’t.
Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.
I can’t imagine him landing a head coaching job, or even a defensive coordinator job, in the near future.
I have never hated on the shootout in NHL regular season (there are better ways, but butts in seats or whatever, I get it), but to decide a gold medal or championship with a different game than the one being contested is pretty ridiculous.
Dont watch many Leaf games do you?
Side note: My phone autocorrected “Tyrod” to “Tyrone.” Can a cell phone be racist?
Tyrod: “Doc, I need you to fix it, but not in a way that really fixes it. I need it to still be hurt for the next three months.”
Which is even more ironic when you realize that one of the top teams in the 10th Division is Manchester Divided.
I wonder if Dion Phaneuf is available? He’d make an excellent defenseman to build around - solid defensively, can really fire it, and a natural leader, to boot.
They obviously play for the AHL Montreal Minstrels
He deals with the goddamn press so the owners don’t have to!