
Nowhere did he say any game would be worth 3 points. To summarize:

Nah, those are Seahawks fans you’re thinking of.

Did you bother reading the article while breathing through your mouth?


It is objectively the better built car and subjectively better engineered. Also the two reasons I would prefer the 911R to even a Z07.


The Huracan is objectively beautiful, you bastard.

Right, I figured that was the rationale behind that set up. I still disagree with it on the principle that a goalie *should* be able to get across to the far side quick enough to make the save since the ball has to travel further (not to mention over the wall, still).

Costas cleaned someone’s clock?! I gotta see this...

Hockey goalie here: I know the wall is protecting direct path to net but why would the goalie cheat so much towards the far side? By definition it has much further to go to get there - i.e. why wouldn’t the goalie cheat towards the short side or stay in the middle at the very least to give him a better chance at

LOL @ Marshall wearing that T-shirt. What a muppet.

As a fellow Torontonian, you haven’t the faintest clue of what you’re talking about.

Cool, bro.

You are cool and fun.

haha how is this the ‘NHL’s’ fault?

I see what you mean. I’m not in the ‘he doesn’t belong in F1 camp’, because he has demonstrated some talent. However, he used to bring in big money, and got little in the way of results. Being as technical as possible, I qualify that as a pay driver.

Dragging his feet? He’s consistently middle of the pack with underwhelming machinery.

Meh, it’s all relative. He’s not a bum for sure, but are there more talented drivers not in F1? Absolutely.

‘Regular’ WRX w/ STi wheels = perfect DD. You’re welcome.

Classy preface to your groundbreaking retort.