
It’s pretty sad actually, I loved Nissan growing up in the 90's and have been waiting patiently now for about 15 years to see anything interesting come out from them. I wouldn’t even consider looking at Nissan today, they’re absolutely passionless. A company that prides themselves on catering to rental car companies

That only weighs 5,000 lbs?

256GB isn’t a new maximum, my iPhone 7 is 256GB. I also like this..

Mt Washington’s Alt is 6,289 FT with a 6,148 Prominence.. Pikes Peak’s Alt is 14,114 with a 5,509 Prominence and not as steep. The only thing Pikes Peak has is a thinner atmosphere, wouldn’t say it’s a more difficult climb at all. No one cares about your homes irrelevant altitude.

I’ve honestly tried to refrain from commenting on your repeated articles about your 10 year old Aston Martin that no one cares about, but I really can’t help my self at this point. Please stop, we can only feign interest so much.