
It’s a nightmare. I know these two girls will not be able to survive in there. Someone told us that if you purchase a place outright in Amman, they won’t kick you out. Maybe enroll the kids in a good private school. There’s more than enough people willing to bear the costs.

Seriously, how the hell are we going to get through this?

I think some of us (the ones who voted Hillary) were silently praying that 1% chance that he wouldn’t follow through on it. You can’t blame people for clinging on to hope at desparate times.

He’s a man without at sort of curiosity to learn more or empathy for any other human being.

These Syrian refugees that would have resettled in the United States are mostly from Turkey and Jordan. Many of them have already been vetted thoroughly but now they will be denied entry. Only those who have money and no small children will make the trek to Greece.

I think you nailed it. Nothing has been sane or logical, and therefore nothing can be predicted.

Not yet, but I’ll let the Jez community know when they do. There’s a woman who is an immigration lawyer here and even she’s apprehensive of what comes next. Her basic answer is, “we have to wait and see.”

The simple answer is we have no idea. The women at our mosque are quietly raising funds for the Syrian family that comes. In the event that they are sent back to Jordan, we’re hoping we can resettle them in an apartment in Amman rather than live in Zaatari refugee camp again.

They’ll say the Christian refugee is not Christian at all because he or she is practicing a form of taqiyah (deception).

I understand the point you were getting across but Syrians are escaping a secular dictator, Yemenis are escaping a humanitarian catastrophe brought on by Saudi bombing, Libyans are escaping a power vacuum left from the fall of Gaddafi, Somalians are escaping rampant poverty and corruption, etc. etc.

Same situation. I’m very close to a Syrian refugee family, and they are absolutely terrified. I feel they have every reason to be.

Like, seriously. Where are all the liberals who said Obama drones Muslims in Yemen. Now that Yemen is in the middle of a humanitarian catastrophe, and the current President doesn’t want to accept any refugees from there, will these same people say anything?

Unfortunately, this is one of the more popular ideas that Trump has. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some who lean Democrat who also support this horrendous policy.

There’s a Syrian woman in her late 40s who comes to my mosque. She has two little kiddies, ages 7 & 4 (both girls). Her family lived in Hama but managed to flee before Assad laid siege to the city, and fled afterwards to Zataari camp in Jordan. Life in the camp was difficult, and a man tried to rape her before a

Sorry to go massively off-topic but it looks like Trump just signed the order to ban refugees from Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and a ban on visas to anyone from the aforementioned countries as well as Somalia, Iran and Sudan.

I had a roommate who dropped a long-time boyfriend (dating well over a year) after he said he looked at all those leaked photos. It was really awesome. She didn’t even blink, just told him it was over.

Sherri is a bit nutty, but I’m glad she won this case.

It’s based on the erroneous assumption that by extending an olive branch and showing a spirit of bipartisanship, Republicans will be more willing to pass progressive policies in exchange. Except the Republican party isn’t a normal political party, and allowing the government to work for regular people in any way runs