They’re different things, and both are linked in the article.
They’re different things, and both are linked in the article.
I worked at a steel mill several years ago. Apparently a company was awarded a contract for like a CRAZY amount of these steel barriers, used cheaper steel AND changed the design without asking and it caused this problem. There were lawsuits and most states are in the process of replacing the imapling stuff...
Not to mention the cost of storing, maintaining, and insuring the car for 10 years. These people disagreeing with you blow my mind. Especially when they say “but this car is cool!”. Fine, but if he invested in the stock market, he could buy a new or slightly used ATS-V today AND have nearly double the amount of money…
He buys cars to collect them. He bought this one thinking that it would appreciate more not anticipating that the 2nd generation would be so much better than the first. He figured the last model year of a first generation hot Cadillac would be really valuable in years to come. It wasn’t until I told him about the V…
This was my grandpa’s car. He traded it into Doug’s Cadillac a few months ago for a low mile Black CTS-v Wagon with a manual.
I push back against any silliness I see online, the Cayenne gets a massive amount of hate for as far as I can tell zero rational reasons. I’ve been called a fanboy of about 6 different brands, funny that. I’m just a fan of stating facts.
Apparently what people really really want is 5seater pickup trucks that cost $80,000 with Mercedes class luxury. In order to maintain their image as shit kicking cowhands, real down home folks who are “successful”.
“Used Magnums”
Yes but then why would people buy the Touring? If you take away the ugly lower the price...
They did, in the Accord 2.0T
This is awesome, thanks for inserting some actual knowledge and fact into what’s largely been an ocean of snark.
They don’t really get at the real reason it took so long.
No, David. No Edd, No watch.
Finally the alcoholic, deadbeat-parent utopian future is within reach!
It’s Taco Bell. I’ve always *assumed* the meats and such were precooked.
To be fair, it is a lot easier to shift the burden of clean energy to the grid and not to each and every individual car. So, your energy “could” conceivably be clean, depending on where your power comes from. That can never be the case for a gasoline-powered car.
Of course, you then descend into a rabbit hole about the…
I don’t think car shows count.
Ehh, going to the drag strip is just fine. That is like telling some guy in a old beat up but mechanically sound corolla he can’t go to autocross because its only meant to commute.