
Petition to bring back the Goy Boy.

The NSX tech is already trickling down! Check out the Hybrid MDX, similar ideas and tech used in the NSX.

I am sure a lot of guys don’t like pegging either, but somehow a lot of guys make it to a Chrysler dealership just to get one by the salesperson.

Bolt has twice the range of a B-class.

Confederate Motorcycles??!?!?!!?!?!?! Are you fucking kidding me? I guess you could call it “Fuck you niggers the south shall rise again motorcycles” but I guess that might be a bit too on the nose, eh?

Ford should follow suit with their social media feed.

The bed slope is helped by the addition of a Softopper on the back.

Michigan No-Fault Insurance

Whatever law it is that allows GM to use reverse indicators as approach/departure lighting. That one is the stupidest.

But then you have to be caught driving a Macan. Pass.

...besides we all know the Demon will be the new cars and coffee anti-Christ.

People are stupid when it comes to cars. Why bother explaining anything to them if the car drives nice?


I want to reply but I can’t stop laughing and don’t know where to start. I’ll just give you a star and a pat on the head for now.

A noble goal, indeed.

Consider your Jalop card revoked for misspelling Alfa. Also, having seen and heard both cars in person, I can faithfully say that the 4C (at least without the spider lights) is the much prettier and more exciting car.

Counterpoint: When did Volvos stop being sexy?

There are anecdotal examples of anything if you look hard enough. But be realistic. Most people who buy new cars are likely to be more well off than the second owners. Even if it’s pretty close, I’d be pretty surprised if second owners had more money than the first owners.