
Because it’s not a dream CAR if you’re not driving it. It’s a dream object.

I just don’t understand hating on a Ferrari on a car blog. It’s a fucking Ferrari. Any Ferrari is better than what most of as are driving anyways.

Does it understeer into a wall better or worse than a Camaro?

Can they get a new track too? The one they ran on last year was booooooooring.

You go to a browser to type in an equation and hit search and depend on your network connection to do the math when you could just open an app that relies on none of that? That’s so stupid it’s cute.

Great review. That person gets the point of a Lexus with sporting intentions.

Uhh, jalopniks? We are on jalopnik. The problem is she is using verbiage and folklore that is specific to the demographics but the way in which she is using them is factually wrong.

It’s becoming more and more apparent that some new/newer writers on here are far from knowledgeable about the vehicles they are writing about. I feel like I’m reading articles written by a used car sales person. I know more about the cars they are writing about and I haven’t even sat in the car let alone been lent one

It’s just a catchy line to try and appeal to jalopniks while being completely deaf to the demographic you are writing for.

Thankfully, Lexus’ little sport sedan hasn’t hopped onto the turbo bandwagon yet, instead relying on smoother variable valve timing to deliver more power in higher revs

Of all the things to produce in the US, why did Tesla choose the batteries?

It takes a real moron or narcissist to make a statement like this:

War and Cash 4 Clunkers were not subsidy for the advancement of the ICE. They were subsidy for wealthy corporations who build ICE’s

If it wasn’t effective then why do we do it? People don’t become rich because they are stupid with money. A lot of these Teslas are probably tax write offs for people so it just makes the idea of buying a Tesla even more attractive.


Things that improve the lives of large amounts of humans. Only a handful of people have and will ever do this.

I don’t know the numbers, but, of course overall consumption wasn’t going to go down over 30 years. There are 50% more people on the earth than in 1986. To keep consumption simply the same, Your golf would need to get 45MPG now to simply offset the 50% increase in population. You CAN get a VW, that gets 45mpg or more,

So because he’s made a useless, to 99.9% of people, rocket, he’s accelerated human progress? He wants to build these rockets so rich people can ABANDON humans on earth when earth becomes harder to inhabit. That’s not anything at all like human progress.

This Mad Dog clown is sure a moron.

Fuel Mileage =/= Fuel efficiency. Your new golf is loads more efficient than your old one. Think about what your Golf can do compared to the one you had 30 years ago and tell me it’s not more efficient.