
Once every mile! That’s astoundingly bad. If you have to take control of your “self-driving” car once every mile, that’s not called “self-driving” that’s just called “driving.” I could maybe see an engineering reason behind this—it’s possibly intentional, in other words—but in any light this is not where Apple wants

I wonder if a F1 car would lap Indy faster than an IndyCar?

What about a vegan’s bicycle?  

Nice to see it in a color other than that heinous yellow they had the passenger version in.  


You’re being polite in calling wakefields methods shoddy. He straight up lied.

This account of mine predates the majority of the current writers here and has long since been greyed out for calling out this shit storm this place has become ever since Univision took over. But I’m noticing something else, so I’m calling it out using this burner. Why the fuck are the comments on articles lately

This account of mine predates the majority of the current writers here and has long since been greyed out for calling out this shit storm this place has become ever since Univision took over. But I’m noticing something else, so I’m calling it out using this burner. Why the fuck are the comments on articles lately

Because peoples choices have an impact on more than just themselves.

Careful, they perma-greyed me for having some fucking logic and modesty as it pertains to the US obsession of buying vehicles for the 2% of their needs. People will say well you can’t ever use sports cars to their full potentional, except you can, you can use full throttle in any sports car you want while going to

Will we ever get tired of cutesy design elements hidden in the corners of new cars? Of course not! At least, I certainly won’t.

It’s just another neat FCA easter egg to profit off of materialistic scum like this place and it’s readers, that’s all. Move along. /sarcasm

Hopefully it gets SH-AWD. I don’t quite understand relegating SH-AWD to Acura.

No matter what they did someone will take issue with people and their configuration being used in a way that can be perceived as a benefit of a corporation. Can anyone tell me where we are on PC bell curve? I sure as hell hope we are near or at the peak and the way down is soon.

Did you crash it or let someone else drive?

Because jalopnik management and writers are stupid, condescending, assholes who have no idea how to parse the diverse market that they claim to report on. I think they are purposely trying so hard to be relevant to a demographic that they don’t realize this same demographic knows how to logically and intrinsically

Careful, they might send you back to the greys for trying to seek any logical trains of thought from these “writers.”

Except that these charts are extremely misleading.

Can’t wait for all the american truck buyers to say how much they hate this thing. Meanwhile McChizzle’s truck does more work than their leased dick extension does.

That would be because she’s terrible at her job. Most of these new univision hires are. Careful though, pointing out the idiocy this place has become gets you back in the greys, like me.