
IDC how valuable the company you are running becomes if the company you are running continually stomps on the rights of humans. A CEO’s job is not JUST to make money. It’s to make money AND be a good steward of the company. This guys a dick. He’s failing at half his job. The fact you find him to be a good CEO and

The last line I agree with. IDK that I’d call a CEO an entrepreneur
 when you consider CEOs have employees to do the work, support from a BOD, and most likely a hefty corporate (non-VC) budget to get shit done.

Ha! That’s hilarious. How could a shit leader possibly put together a world class leadership team. I think the world would be a better place if a lot of these startup CEO’s would sell out faster. Just because you came up with the idea that your company is doing doesn’t mean your suited to run that company.

I’m less concerned with fairness than with making things interesting.

I think you’re wrong, Barry. This is the first time I’ve watched the NBA finals since the ‘98 finals.

The baby boomers are just killing it with getting this country on a path to success.


I don’t want to talk trickle down economics because it’s not a thing. I was hoping you weren’t going to say “Becuase, trickle down economics.”

Straw man. Not at all what I was saying.

The rich have more money than all of us combined, why should they not pay more taxes than all of us combined too? If you say trickle down economics I am going to find you and pinch your sack with a fucking tweezers.

Or the rich should start paying some fucking taxes so the people who made them rich can get to fucking work.

Benoit is just saying, politely, that Kap is a little bitch. He’s not wrong.

I hated the movie, but your main objection is the tires?! The cars can talk! Not to mention you’re just kinda wrong. People get their hips and knees replaced all the time. Better yet:

I coulnd’t even finish the first movie. It felt like 3 hours those dumbass cars talking. This isn’t a car movie. It’s another fantasy world for kids and man-childs.

Barring illegal rules or hypocritical enforcement, whats so hard about following simple rules?

Great article. Calls car ugly. Doesn’t talk at all about the cars looks. Makes fun of the owners. I guess I’ll skip your shitposting from now on.

Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America, the world, or my businesses.

A coroner’s inquest determined that the Audi garage was not responsible for the young man’s suicide.

Can you confirm that all metrics mentioned were using the same formula? Otherwise this is just hearsay.

Good observation. I bet the graphics person asked which is which, and was told the Edge is bigger. They weren’t wrong when it comes to that picture.