
you simply must be joking...compared to controller in SMB1 and 2, the motion controls were absolutely and objectively less precise. 

The combination of Grubsong and Weaversong can be very helpful since the attack spiders generate soul. Also the charm the generates more soul for each hit.

Your worry is my anticipation, I want to see their version of Super Luigi U for Mario Odyssey.  I would love to see what they would do to make 3D Mario difficult.

I had my first D&D experience about 2(3?) months ago, and now I am in 3 campaigns. The original is a super lax DM, essentially if you are pre-level 5 he will let you change something if you feel like you made a mistake, but he also ALWAYS throws in non-combat ways to escape situations. He also manages to make combat

After playing platformers like Super Meat Boy and bullet hells like Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne. DKC: TF only offered challenges once per world, those temple levels.

For me, the most impactful episode was “Stupid Piece of Sh*t” as I have had days like that. Where every voice in your head is trying to tell you to change for the better, and your actions are seemingly beyond your control, constantly digging you deeper and deeper.

“right now, for example, I’m wearing some clothes that let survive enemy ink for longer. My shopping addiction isn’t help by Splatoon 2’s new mobile app”

I was at a pre launch event for this in St. Louis more than a year ago and I was REALLY curious to see how they would redo the game when Mario Maker came out. Because at that time, you drew the game instead of using blocks and it was almost identical to what Mario Maker is now except for taking a picture to make the

If you nerf Roadhog like you suggest, he will drop to zero playtime. It is already rough getting hooks in a meta dominated by Zarya and Rein. Both of which can block hooks, or in Zarya’s case, get free charge from every hook. If you are getting hooked, you are playing to far ahead of your team, which is EXACTLY

You must mean Ninja Gaiden III. II was both reviewed positively and enjoyed by most.