
Dude, don’t besmirch the good name of OnlyFans with your anti-vax bullshit.

What a fuckin’ gabagool

She should certainly get residuals for the work she’s done. She should also not be so selfish and pig headed that she wouldn’t protect herself and others by getting vaxxed.

You can be anti Bill Willingham and anti “Big Mean Corporation™”.

That’s one of the ways they totally missed the mark.

The best move Fraser made was to not attempt in any way to recreate the Cheers vibe.  Cheers worked because its characters were all oddballs in their own ways, so following Fraser out into the world ended up about how you’d expect.

I mean they still go paid their contracted amount, presumably.  He just didn’t give them his contracted amount also, which seems like it should be allowed.

the union may have found an unlikely hero

Blumenthal didn’t come across well, and I’m not defending him exactly, but just to be fair, I suppose there’s a chance he might have thought it was a Borat style situation. I like Pat too, but he is a character, and with prank shows going after politicians, he might have thought it was something like that, just

Couldn’t agree more.  Blumenthal did not look good there.

I’d do it for my kids, because they’re my kids and you have to do that kind of thing for your kids. But if you do it, you have to own what you did. None of this “we support victims” nonsense, which is an obvious lie. “I wrote this letter because I love this person and I don’t want them to go to jail.” And that’s

Humane take? Humane to WHO exactly - not the victim obviously, but rather the convicted perpetrator.

If a family member or close friend was convicted for multiple rapes, I would personally lock the cell and throw the key in the sewer.

A failing of humanity writ large is overvaluing the personal/anecdotal evidence over mountains of evidence in the opposite direction. Unless you believe somebody was wrongly convicted, arguing for leniency on their behalf is more or less just saying “my experiences with that person weren’t where he raped anybody I

If I had a family member or close friend that was convicted of a crime, even a particularly disgusting one such as rape, it would be pretty hard to refuse a request to write about any redeeming values that might lighten the sentence. It would be akin to disowning them entirely.”
I don’t know if you’re a serial troll

This is basically how comic companies treated their writers all the way from the 1930s till more recently.  It’s part of why Bill Finger, co-creator of Batman, died in poverty.

To all the people I’ve seen say things like “you got paid for your work, stop complaining!,” I offer you this:

You go to work at Big Button Push factory and you push the Big Button. This creates a thing that BBP sells. They pay you a minute percentage of that sale. Easy, right?

Aaron Paul pushed the Big Button once, and

“Dying is easy. Comedy is hard."

Yeah, it’s hard to imagine Disney saying no to a project Robbie had committed to.

I agree. So much. It's interesting how streamers talk about bingeing but don't make content that can be binged for more than one or two days. If they made shows with higher episode counts, people would have a reason to stick with them longer. The unintended effect of having a higher episode count is also that people