
They’re up to ten extra discs in addition to your normal plan. You still have to send them back. They’re not just giving them away.

I love how the oncoming car just keeps driving towards it.

I really liked S3. The first time I felt disappointed in terms of the talent they had vs. the results was S4. Look at that loaded cast.

I think Donovan (his single best role, ever) and Dunst stole that entire season, except that everybody else was so damned good its hard to say anybody stole anything. Reminded me a lot of the cast of Deadwood, but even that show had its absolute standouts in McShane and Olyphant.

interestinggg! I liked 3 a lot, but 2 remains my top-tier season. 

Please let it reach the heights of the first couple seasons. Please.

I’m wondering how long until he takes the ‘commentator’ job with Newsmax.

Spider-Man No Way Home

I like to think of his agent putting his arm around Zac’s shoulders and saying, ‘Look, kid, I know it’s not what we want, but your last few films tanked and every time you open your mouth at pressers you drive away another 10% of the audience. So, no, it’s not ideal, but on the plus side you could be the next Kevin

How long until TV’s Zachary Levy only does Christian/Right Wing propaganda films? I would not be shocked to see him in Sound of Freedom 2 or some Pure Flix piece of shit.

I remember discovering Cyberpunk literature at a young age, and while some of it was quite good, I don’t think I ever once thought that it would be cool to live in that kind of dystopian environment.

Yep, he hates ‘woke’ culture because it prevents trans people from getting pregnant.  You probably won’t understand that because you don’t have a galaxy brain like Musk.

He’s only a bigot because he CARES. Why do people hate him for loving so much?

You know what? I quite liked Da Ali G Movie. It had me at the street race through Staines that strictly obeyed the speed limit, and kept me for the whole movie, even the bits that were... not good. Plus, it still baffles, yet also makes perfect sense to, me that Martin Freeman was in it.

I only mentioned The Sopranos because of the similarity of the “make it up as we go” plotlines that popped up, not the centrality of the star. The President in The West Wing being the “star” is more about the way the ensemble orbits around that character, which was a lot more sensible than orbiting around an

I think horror fans really respond to low budget movies in a way that comedy fans don’t. There have always been studios like Blumhouse (Hammer is a good example) who have made niche films for little money. A lot of classic horror films were made on a shoestring (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead, The Blair Witch

It truly was an ensemble, yep. But honestly if I had to pick, I’d say Josh was the most focused-on.

Now this is an interesting proposition, but what would the comedy equivalent of Blumhouse be?

It’s kind of bizarre how this viewpoint has flipped in the last couple of years. It used to be that concepts like “intellectual property” were things that “The Man” used to shut down things like sampling in music or people who wanted to make mashups on Youtube where Indiana Jones meets Daffy Duck and the like. The