
Surprised there is no mention of Albert Brooks stepping into the show now that Funkhouser, his real life brother, has passed.

Or England in 2021.

The fourth-wall breaking bit with Chastain is a reference to Bergman’s The Passion of Anna. Midway through that film, Bergman suspends everything for a series of short interviews with each actor, letting them speak about the character they’re playing, their motivations, how they’re feeling. It’s interesting and fairly

I appreciate that, but word on the street is that if I’m not absolutely in love with it I am obligated to be fervently against it, so from this point forward it’s As and Fs, no inbetween. (Seriously, thank you for saying that, it’s very appreciated and a sign I’m doing what I set out to do.)

Just jumping in to say that while I don't necessarily agree with all your concerns and criticisms, I sure do like reading them and thinking them through. Thanks for the consistently thoughtful reviews. 

Yeah, I thought of the Paula/Tanya parallels too. They’re certainly not the worst people at the resort, but they’re naive, distractible, overestimate their altruism and could use a hell of a lot more self-awareness.

But I think the point The White Lotus is trying to make is that these employees, Belinda and Armond both, are beaten down by the day-in, day-out frustrations of dealing with guests who mostly don’t care about them at all. That’s why Armond rises to Shane’s bait

Fun, tense episode. It says something (I’m not sure what) that as awful as these characters are, I’m kind of rooting for them. Except for Shane of course. And Olivia.

I still don’t understand why people can’t see that the Lee fight flashback is obviously from an unreliable narrator. Same as DiCaprio’s character nailing the scene with the little girl.

Now THERE was a guy afraid of needles!

The idea that there’s one canonical answer to what a movie is “really” about is nonsense; authors change their minds, authors sometimes don’t even think about it, works like movies are a collaborative effort and the director isn’t the only person making creative decisions, etc.

Everyone should watch Detroiters in the meantime. 

Gilmore Guys is already the ultimate GG podcast but it would be interesting to hear his thoughts on the show I guess

[Narrator (Ron Howard)]: “Michael thought this Turkish real estate development opportunity would be a solid investment. It was not.”

Some day, Michael Cera’s gonna be 65 years old, and it’s going to be weird.

If you’re going to get Apple TV, Ted Lasso is the reason to do it.

Ah! Yes! Thank you for reading. Fishy blessings upon thee.