
Yeah, that is always my worry. League of Their Own was renewed and had it pulled. Different show, different platform, but all of these execs are thinking in similar ways. I do think Gemstones at least has some genuine popularity (it feels like the most mainstream thing McBride has done, compared to VPs and Eastbound). 

Yeah, people who watch it love it universally but it just hasn’t broken through. Maybe it should just be Suits-ed onto Netflix to finally find its people (JK). 

Wenner sucks but how many agents and editorial members at Little Brown reviewed this manuscript and either 1) didn’t see a problem with an all white male lineup or 2) saw the issue but said nothing? This was editorial malpractice. Wenner is a douche but his dumb takes couldn’t have been canonized in book form without

This is just the start. I’m worried about the Gemstones and other shows that may have to wait almost 2 years between seasons as a result of the strike action (I personally don’t see this ending even by the close of Q1 2024; though I hope I’m wrong). The streamers may find it easier to launch fresh content than

His diagnosis was so central to the pilot, it had to be a core part of the original plan for later seasons. 

Louis CK and Dave Chapelle are two of the most financially successful comics working today — or ever. Their careers are stronger than ever; they attract immense audiences. I’m so confused why they need to be protected????? 

I do think there’s a difference between “I was in the coffee shop the other day” when in fact the comic is speaking about an event that is several years old and a comic telling a story about a child being exposed to what was potentially anthrax. Those two setups have different emotional weights and depend very

Larry the Cable Guy has never once gotten ‘er done. 

The amount paid to rent VHS tapes/DVDs in the old, old days could run you 2-3 dollars for a duration of 3-5 days. One tape/DVD. Massive streamer libraries are the equivalent of 24/7 access to 20 or 30 video stores (or more) for as little as 10 or 15 bucks per month. The economics of this are just ... weird. Maybe by


That comment really goes on a journey -- from “she’s a jerk” to “I, too, am a total jerk.”

OF cannot exist without dudes. The same dudes who all but call de Matteo a whore for monetizing male desire. The same dudes who maybe wouldn’t want you to peek too hard at their internet history. She’s a talented actor with really bad takes on vaccines (not an exclusive club), but on this count people should STFU. She

The Watchmen series was something truly special, but it’s completely appropriate that he hated its existence. I don’t always agree with his POV on things, but I love that he’s a creative who speaks honestly and openly and with a sense of self deprecation. 

He’s so charming in this new interview. He says the quiet part out loud, Re graphic novels, and is uber self-deprecating about his place in the world. 

I miss the matte look of the film they used in classic Fraiser. There was a cinematic edge to the look of the show compared to most of its contemporaries. This 2.0 version looks and feels much more classic sitcom-like.

I mean that’s fair, except his team could have literally looked into the situation. The doc team wasn’t hiding anything. I think Blumenthal simply saw no upside and turned his back. Look how absolutely disinterested he was in the issue. He was completely disengaged. 

Can other creative teams do this — sidestep studios, comply with SAF-AFTRA/WGA, and negotiate films’ releases directly with the exhibitors? Or do you have to basically be Taylor Swift? Serious question.

Blumenthal embarrassed himself in that documentary and confirmed every cynical thing “little guys” say about politicians. The senator said one thing and then, having left the room, had his waspy crony interns shunt the documentarians out of the room -- then ghosted them entirely. Blumenthal is only acting now because

???????? Danny Masterson is not being killed. He is being jailed for raping women. That is humane. Getting early release or a lesser sentence is what would be inhumane. Inhumane to the victims and to the society that would have to reabsorb a remorseless serial rapist. Masterson is not on death row. He doesn’t need our

Yeah, and it’s OK to say FUCK YOU in response. Because, uh, fuck them?