
It is not personal if it’s accessible online. 

the first step to writing a book was determining how many words are in most books.” That is exactly how a robot would (wrongly) assume how to begin a creative project. 

I love this film but do we need a Groundhog Day 2? This film’s conceit and execution was perfect. More will just be...more. 

Sorry, it’s gonna be Edge of 2morrow

I get it. It’s probably hard to let go of a character that gets you recognized and tons of social media love. And I bet he and the other secondary characters on The Office made good but not astonishing amounts of money (that show was beloved but modestly watched in its original run). And it probably REALLY hurts that

Threads’ biggest problem is a lack of visibility. It’s sorta kinda part of Instagram — why not update the Insta platform to offer three modes: Insta only, Threads only and hybrid. Or just the hybrid mode. The more people see Threads in their Insta feeds the more likely they’ll be to use it/interact with content.

Plus, you want the Swift army ON your side -- they can push public sentiment in powerful ways. 

I don’t object with the idea that the shows could be postponed in favor of the strikers but if that was the move for the pro labor group (which I’m very sympathetic with) some strategist should have had the forethought to ensure this was done a long while back before plane tix, etc. were booked. This creates friction

I support the workers but one has to wonder, given that these dates were announced in November 2022, why these calls are coming at the last minute. TS can cancel and be just fine, but her fans will be out, collectively, a ton of money. This should have been raised as soon as the work action went into motion. Under the

That’s not really true. Shows draw regionally, not just locally, especially for an epic tour like this. In Chicago, hotels were booming with attendees from at least five or six states.

Our job is to enable and empower them to do their best work.” I don’t believe he believes this is his job.

It’s frustrating that the hurt hits the workers before the company. The strike would need to go on at least another quarter or two to start seeing real revenue declines. Easy for the executives to do.

Genuinely interested to see this but can we agree that the title is indistinguishable from a 30 Rock joke about the silliness of some titles (Liz Lemon’s short story, for the record, was called The Two Paths of Virginia Apple)?

I’d somehow missed the renewal news, so here’s hoping Gideon gets a lot more screen time (and hopefully additional car chase scenes).

Minaj is great, and I don’t wish to pit him against Wood (as if there isn’t room for both somewhere), but Wood makes the most sense. But it’s also a fact that these late night shows are fading away. It would be nice to see this generation find a new format that works organically in the new media reality. Something

I’m glad we’re finally done with the tiresome subtexting of Kelvin and Keefe’s relationship. Those characters can maybe finally breathe a bit now that we can dispense with the lame sexual tension in the series so far (really, the only truly bad part of this series).

She doesn’t really seem to harbor any strongly held beliefs other than a desire to be praised, coddled and given attention.

He was really funny, weird and sweet. And he had such a fascinating impact on comedy and design. His show helped popularize the Memphis style of design (https://www.claasshaus.com/blog/all-saved-by-the-bell-and-pee-wees-playhouse-the-memphis-group) and, when it came time to designing sets and toys, he partnered with

There are shows that benefit from serialization (Succession, Game of Thrones, etc.) but the flip side is the virtually endless streaming potential of shows with deep libraries of episodes that encourage regular binging. Both are desirable to be well rounded, but only one model is actively being serviced by the

I get the criticism but my impression was that they were in the honeymoon phase of dating. I’d expect season 3 to confront the realities of two high-pressure, overworked professionals trying to actually have a relationship. And dear god I hope Claire’s mission isn’t ultimately to “fix” Carmy.