I hope Lynch just pays publicists to leak fake projects for the next 20 years.
I hope Lynch just pays publicists to leak fake projects for the next 20 years.
How ... did we not manage to get to The Mindy Project in this convo? He and Fortune Feimster made for a great, weird sibling pairing. Probably his best comedic role.
Hey, Black Mirror, this is how you do speculative fiction.
This is my Frost/Nixon
Has Sam Elliott chimed in?
Al was speaking about weed when he told Fernando that he liked trees. That’s why he’s so perplexed when the host shows him an actual, literal tree.
I know Stiller spent years wanting to adapt CivilWarLand in Bad Decline, so I think this show is a fitting alternative — a reality that is like ours but somehow just off-center. (And shout out to making ORIGINAL content with no existing IP tie-in.)
The moment the Devonte-inspired Loquareeous turns and catches the viewer (or Earn?) creeping up on him is just such a fantastic moment. It felt like the tables were being turned on the viewer.
I’m 47. Degree of difficulty is certainly an issue — especially by class/circumstance — but that’s true of all ages. The idea that one has essentially hit the end of the runway at 55 is bonkers (which was my original gripe). And the idea that 20, 30 or 40+ years is not a sufficiently long time to enact life changes is…
This show is a perfect counterpoint to the nerve-racking shows on my current watch list (Severance, The Maid). These sort of low-stakes shows seem to be filling the space that hangout shows like Friends or Seinfeld once occupied.
While we’re showing our appreciation for Carrie Coon (she was amazing in Leftovers), ICYMI:
How old do you think 55 is? On average, you have 20+ years of life, with a huge swath of people living 10, 20+ years beyond that. That’s a long goddamn time to live unhappily. Just wait until you’re there. You’ll be surprised to find that you’re still a fully realized human with wants, needs and ambitions.
Your instinct on that is probably better.
NoHo is truly one of the greatest villains in the history of TV. But I’d give anything for that karate kid to come back.
Watered down by whom? Netflix famously doesn’t really give a crap about the quality of its films (quantity over quality is its business plan). Do they really micromanage like a traditional studio? Wright’s work generally rocks. He should just go all the way and accept the failure (as he almost does in this interview…
The Uncle Nugget episode of This Country is truly legendary. American network TV cannot allow for such close-up character-based comedy. Dry just doesn’t work for the masses (that’s what made early seasons of U.S. The Office so strong, despite what this reviewer seems to think).
Did you hear Quinta on Seth Rogen’s podcast? She has a sweet story about accidentally meeting Paul Rudd well before she got in the business.
Honestly, makes me think of Rover, which was sadly overlooked.
Cameo of an apparently pre-meth ATM-head-crunch dude from Breaking Bad rockin a bolo tie.