
I find that headrests complying to the recent auto industry requirements for minimal clearance actually sit so far forward that I can’t flex my head around on long road trips. I hate them and they lead to neck strain unless you sit with your seat leaned way back so you have clearance, and that’s just not natural for

You have no idea where they came from. This wasn’t cop car dash cam footage. They were some distance behind us and were running on a snow-covered road.

I was here during the election. Whenever someone pointed out that *she* was also part of the old gang and as likely to be part of the corruption problem as anybody she was targeting, she couldn’t do Plan A and cry “racism” because all her accusers were also African American, so she went with Plan B and cried “sexism”.

When I hear a supposed doctor saying drinking a soda or coffee will dehydrate you, they’ve lost me. Any of them, when pressed, will admit that those beverages are just less effective at hydration than drinking water, but that the net hydration you get from consuming the liquid outweighs any impact of the caffeine.

It’s the tires.

I really wish I’d thought to do this. My own autistic son seemed to enjoy the 50+ Minecraft homeschool lessons I developed for him, but he never seemed to want to take up the game on his own, and he hasn’t had an interest in participating on servers. Even so, this is an amazing outlet for those kids that do want to go

Oh wow. How sad. I lost a very healthy co-worker to aortic dissection. Oddly enough it was on this same day, MLK Jr. day, many years back. He’d just had an EKG the prior Friday for chest pains and been told there were no problems. I think only an MRI would pick this up, and it’s so rare nobody was looking for it.

Hey - I went to see The Last Dragon with the only other white person in the theater, and I’m gonna go see Black Panther, whether there’s any other white people in the theater or not. It’s a proud tradition.

What does “15 times less likely” even mean? 1 time less likely is zero. Even if you posit 1 time less likely is essentially no change, by the time you reach 2 times less likely you’re back to zero again.

Be sure if your power supply unit has dedicated (hard wired) cables that are supposed to go to the motherboard, that you actually use those cables coming out of the PSU. It’s possible that, if you have a modular power supply, some of those cables may fit into other ports on your power supply. Voice of experience here

It’s well known that Tesla uses all *its* customers as Beta testers.

I fixed your fix.

Seemed pretty funny to me. No surprise, since nothing you link to about Ajit Pai ever supports what you claim in the title or article. I’m beginning to suspect you’re opposed to capitalism or something.

He collects green stuff because, you know, “Green” Arrow? It was probably just lying around.

Now I want to get invited to a Black Thanksgiving. After all the discussions I’ve sat through about whether so-and-so is a 2nd cousin thrice removed, or a 3rd cousin twice removed, I’d love to just have 3 basic categories. Sign me up.

As Moshe alluded to, and you missed, is that the prevailing flat earth explanation for gravity is that the entire flat plane of the earth is accelerating uniformly upward at exactly 1g, instead of their being a “gravitational force of attraction”. His rocket calculations work just fine under that world view. The flat

Grammar / speeeellll check. After his “oat” got pulled into the water, he surveyed the “armanda” of ships before “launching himself the wreck of one of the soldier’s ships”.

Just don’t overestimate the importance of sports. People live and die based on the outcomes of professional sports teams and it’s just not that important (i.e. ESPN talking heads). If your son takes to active play of any kind, reinforce it, but don’t feel like he has to like anything specific. There are lots of active

Seems a few years back there was an earthquake in Chile or Ecuador and they warned Hawaii of a massive possible tsunami, but the effect was barely visible at the shore line by the time the wave got there. Unless the earthquake happens along an extremely lengthy fault line aimed directly at Hawaii, the waves front

That gets you front wheel drive by disabling the differential. Getting the power to the rear without any to the front is a bit more interesting.

If everybody complaining on here just voted with their feet and stopped watching... it probably wouldn’t have any impact at all. :-(