Chief Chili Fry Maker

Apps for your frenemies.

I know a lot of people of people are saying wtf at this, but I can see the appeal. If I had the money to throw around, I might be interested in a dedicated PMP just for the (presumably better) battery life.

Wow, Stevie Nicks looks amazing.

This would be awesome, but if the networks leave, wont they try to take the (good) content with them?

You guys can't win. If you write an Android article, you're an Android fanboy. If you write an iOS article, you're in Apple's shorts. People need to lighten up.

Right on. I've never used an iPhone. I didn't realize it had a problem with multi-tasking.

If it isn't used or necessary, yes.

Does it need more? I hear discussions come up like this regarding Windows Phone, and how they all have 1 gig processors, and no dual core. Do they need dual core? It's the same question here I think. It's almost like we've reached the point where bumped up specs are just marketing drivel, and manufacturers get

I'm pretty excited about Supernatural coming to Netflix. I think it's a little silly to assume that people interested in gadgets only watch certain kinds of shows.

This reply is to promote you, as clicking the thumb doesn't seem to be working. I would totally DVR this show - or better yet, print screenshots of the show and bind them in a memory book to review later.

HP has really lost its mind, hasn't it?

I personally wouldn't use a muffin tin, but I always assemble my ingredients before I start, and I think that's terrific advice. It really sucks to be halfway through dumping in everything at the time you need it and find out you have no baking powder, or only half as much sugar as you need.

This would be really neat if it was completely cross platform. I have thought about getting my kid a Blackberry (what, they're sturdy!) but these kind of "only works with other BB users" features are a real turn-off.

Am I the only one that thought of Kirk Cameron?

That is nice to see some competition out there. I wonder if the folks at Cyanogenmod will get into it.

Now I can take TEN TIMES as many Facebook profile pics of myself!

This is one reason I just don't care for the subscription radio model... there's always some new service that is the darling of the tech world's eye, and that's always temporary. I'm normally a very "digital delivery" kind of person, but when it comes to music, I think I like to at least own my favorite MP3's. I

That's interesting. I never would have even known about it except it keeps getting brought up in relation to the iPad.