Chief Chili Fry Maker

I almost googled it, lol.

Was he gay?

I just think this is wrong.

I keep reading about this freemium Rdio service, but it doesn't seem to actually have one.

I heard it makes people you've blocked (and vice versa) show up again. I wonder if that is true.

It makes my Minecraft crash, so unfortunately, no.

I've been loving Metro on my (non touch) laptop. I showed it to a friend of mine, and at first he was like WTH, but then told him "just think of it as a launcher" and he instantly got it. It's certainly no more confusing and useless than what many if not most "normal" users have on their desktop - a great picture

A new MTV-AP poll says that most teens and "twentysomethings" think being apathetic makes them cool and jaded.

Naw. People would use it to pick on each other.

I think a dislike button would be a disaster, personally. People would use it abusively on each other.

We use Lync at work, but I thought it had to be hooked to an actual phone in order to make calls. Calls to other actual phones, that is, not to other Lync users.

Does anyone happen to know - if you are suffering from a dearth of DVD's that are large enough for the preview PLUS dev tools, can you install the plain 'ol preview and add the dev tools later?

I can Facebook with my friends, or I can G+ and read 795 posts a day by Will Wheaton, Tom Anderson and Felicia Day.

I use it every day at work. It's just not my cup of tea.

I am so excited. I don't think I've ever planned a gadget purchase this far in advance before. I wont sell my iPad, but I'll probably give it to my kids to play with.

Ah, no. Full bore Windows fanboy here. I even use Bing.

Man that ribbon interface is just absolutely god-awful. I cannot for the life of me figure out why MS is so in love with it.

Someone yelled "awkward" about a ghost opening a door? Well that was random.

Exactly. Double the price, then slash services. I am seriously considering dropping Netflix. I not about to get three coasters, erm, DVD's a month at who knows what cost.

When I bought my WP, the store manager at the AT&T store tried to talk me out of it.