Chief Chili Fry Maker

Dance battle. Now.

They should release it for iOS instead.

I wish they would just release the Samsung Galaxy Player already. I don't want a iPad knockoff. I want an iPod knockoff.

I really love this idea. I hate how when you plan a trip, the current "options" (I put that in quotes because they are all amazingly similar, if not identical to use) force you to put in precise dates. I cant just say "in the next three months I want to see my mom" and find the cheapest ticket.

Internet Explorer 8! It's Not *That* Bad(tm)

You can't download it for XP... interesting. 7 and Vister only.

How do "talks fall through" to use an open-source product? I thought android was free. Shit, I'd be shocked to find out you couldn't put it on a toaster, much less a Nokia phone.

Looks like they've realized how many of us do not use our phones to call people, or at least hardly ever.

I think it looks neat.

Sony story on Giz with two comments. First one says "be more like Apple!" Second one says "stop being such an Apple wannabe!"

Now comes the backlash where everyone claims they never read it anyway.

@comrade_leviathan: They buy all sorts of stuff - Engadget and Tech Crucnch to name two. They seem to be positioning themselves as bringers of content.

@Snafu77: That's made out of a cereal box?

Well, I just lost all interest.

The content owners are killing Hulu.

@mipakr: Exactly, you can totally tell by the pixels.

@jaan: I have to agree, and I'm very familiar with photoshop. <_<

@Totenglocke42: Blackberry is in the *exact* same position that Nokia is in.