Chief Chili Fry Maker

I wish I could flash my iPad and put Android on it.

@xxdesmus: I did, along with many others. They seem to have moved along to new features rather than tweaking old ones.

@Belzebul: Oh, I don't know. App Brain is up and working. I can't log in to the Android store.

@xxdesmus: Is it like mint in that you can ONLY put in credit card debt? That's the main reason I don't use Mint - I wasn't able to put any of my debt in the goal section. I must be the only guy out there with medical debt or a student loan.

Can't wait, but still don't like this version of Harley.

This is absolutely true, and one need look no further than Sony to see it in action multiple times per day. Sony's worst enemies are their biggest fans, I've said that for years.

That's actually really really smart if you think about it. It also shows that Microsoft is *very* aware of the fact that a metric ton of people are using Internet Explorer by default, but using Google as their search engine (and likely for the same reasons).

@dec.: So to use this service they are using land lines?

@Bug Eyed Gekk: If they have working phones, don't you suppose someone might call or text them to let them know?

I always thought pre-crisis Digg should partner with the major cable providers for real-time ratings, by putting Digg buttons on your remote control.

Wow, that is a game changer imho. What a great idea.

@Reguba: I agree. And the whole "you have to like one and hate on the other" thing is just getting terribly tired. I want both of them.

@hbuzzell: I have started using Posterous for my photos. You just email it in, and it makes a little album/blogpost for you. I can direct the family to the site, and it's easy for them too. I don't know how much space they give you though.

@virgilstar: My wife has a Kindle and I have an iPad. I find reading and surfing the web to be my most significant uses of the iPad, with reading books winning out.

The 3DS was announced last year. The only thing that stole it's thunder was the passage of time.

@Ben Zvan: The idea I get from this article is that a company doesn't offer the warranty with they expectation that they will have to honor it left and right. They just do it to increase revenue on a sale when they know that the customer will likely never redeem it.

@xzzy: Where can I order yours at?

It's going to be an expensive year.

I want it. I just don't see a down side. And I would LOVE it even if Sony releases only PSone games for it. That would rock. I often wonder why old games developers aren't releasing ROMs for their old IPs left and right. It would print money.

Another "why didn't I think of that moment"! Thank you for posting this!