jalapeno militia

And the problem with that is???

“A mask-less protest outside a mask factory where the maskless president visited to congratulate (masked) workers on shipping out lots of masks.”

Here’s what should be done for the upcoming election.

Here’s what should be done for the upcoming election.

And then he’d sue his own kid for defamation of the family name, err brand. 

Thanks for the feedback. I am an educated half-white, half-Hispanic male (if you saw me you’d think 100% Joe Whiteboy with a slight tan and have NEVER used ethnicity to get something out of the world) who is educated, in my 50's, makes a comfortable 6 figure salary and is religious. I also take every opportunity to

As someone who works in the medical/healthcare field, there is the aspect of respecting someone who is a specialist in a particular area. Whey the hell does the orthopod consult the cardiologist when his total knee replacement patient start to complain of chest pains a day after surgery? (Because he might think it is

Is it just me or does Kylie Jenner always appear to be staring off into space with a blank look on her face? If you asked her “What are you thinking about?” why do I feel the answer would be “Nothing” and that would literally be the truth.

Is it just me or does Kylie Jenner always appear to be staring off into space with a blank look on her face? If you asked her “What are you thinking about?” why do I feel the answer would be “Nothing” and that would literally be the truth.

I think if you take into consideration those that were college educated vs high school educated, you’ll see a big difference. Those that know, said no to the Orange Dumbsicle.

This is from the guy that only goes to church on holidays, has been divorced twice, and has cheated on all of his wives (past and present) with beauty pageant contestants and porn stars.

I’m just hoping the valet is the one who paints on the spray tan and sets the yellow wig on the Impeached Orange Dumbsicle everyday.

What a funday Friday:

I think all the ass, err, MAGHats should, after their protest, be put on an island and we can watch from a distance all of them die from COVID19.

If Biden is going to trial on sexual assault charges, shouldn’t he be in line behind the Impeached Orange Dumbsicle for his 12-15 alleged incidences?

Is the Impeached Orange Dumbsicle considered more electable than Biden due to the fact that the IOD has far more sexual abuse allegations than Biden? Is this what (dumb) people are voting for, because if so then the IOD will win by a landslide.

Evil Elmer Fudd, err, little Stevie Miller needs to ask who will he, and all the other republicans, get to do the jobs that white, right-leaning, MAGhats don’t want to do such as picking fruits and vegetables from the fields, cleaning their homes and caring for their children? And who will then impregnate, and then

Well they did do a great job against the socialists that were running for those seats. If you look, there are no socialists running!

Thank you big time for this!