
The world was not ready. Too soon, for the Tetris car of my dreams. On the other hand, it was aimed at the Geo Metro segment, by the time it hit production, your shorts would be waving in the wind, and you would be happy that was the only issue. (Anyone ever had buttons fling themself into the back seat when selecting

Them pooches got the luxury ride. During the depression, all their brethren got was a home made sack:

Coincidentally, every Aerostar you see now is actually a Rusty Starship.

From the F1.

on a serious note, this is a thing that happens a lot in my car’s community.

It’s cool, but I don’t think it’s Honda Unibox electric-scooter-in-the-door cool...


I saw this on the Pontiac Stinger concept car....

The Pockar is what I imagine an Aerostar larva would look like. If Aerostars reproduced by laying eggs. And hatched into little van maggots.

It just wouldn’t be the same if the person next to me didn’t smell like they bathed in onion broth.

It also looks like they got some custom bags in front of the dash as well.

I...I wasn’t ready

I’ve seen this for dogs, but never for luggage. Brilliant.

Now I know where the Zonda got it’s inspiration.

This Ford’s trunk is better: