
Wow, I would worry about a budding Communist like yourself, SpeakerToManimals. Also, was not your username show just a poorly thought out Rule 63 version of Vixen from DC Comics except with lame storylines and no really good or memorable villains?

I personally think that Shantae needs like a big and epic game at least of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night size, that it should be like 30-40 hours long if you play it at normal speed, but easily 100+ hours long if you find hidden areas, and that, like the most recent entry in the series, have the ability to play

The people that are the shallow ones are the ones that do ogle at pixel tits instead of having actually see the wonderful example of retro gaming and brilliant scripting of the series.

Isn’t Bayonetta ALREADY anime tier schlock in a Western style appearance? Seriously, the sexuality in Shantae is not necessary, as the humor in the series should be, and, in all honesty, MUST be its selling point...think Miraculous Ladybug as a good example. (Coincidentally, the person that voiced Shantae also voices

That is because you are a PANSY, Wintroza!

Wow, retro only xenophobia much, Peter Pan Complex? Maybe you need to get the stick out of that certain place of your body first before you comment, okay?

I would beg to differ on your claims as well, Shawnrw222.

Says the person that is typing online instead of with a member of the opposite gender and having “happy happy fun time” with them instead.

Sadly, your parents are alive to see you, as is the rest of the world, Hotrodherman.

Screw that, I would get the people over at Shelby to tinker around with a Dodge Hellcat Demon SRT8 engine, make the proper body and chassis modifications, and let them go to work on the vehicle, thus making it truly live up to its name, atk09.

Carroll Shelby made more money than you ever will and had Chrysler had the proper foresight to market, as well as build, these vehicles properly, they would have been one of the biggest hits of the 1980s, 55_Mercury.

You are the cumulation of several bad ideas, including the worst sperm and egg cells from your father and mother, your parents thinking that doing it was a good idea, that marriage was a good idea, that getting engaged was a good idea, that falling in love was a good idea, and that meeting in the first place was a

Speaking of crap, so is your commentary, mharry860. Now go hug a tree, you dirty hippy!

Real talk, they are actually around the same than the E61 BMW M5 Touring wagon that Jeremih Raiden keeps on harping about, and while the 500 HP, V10 engine that can go from 0-60 MPH/0-100 KMH in 4.0 seconds, as well as redline at 8,500 RPM, are all indeed impressive statistics in their own right, even around a decade

Now playing

Why not take your own advice first? Also, New Donk City IS where the original Donkey Kong took place, so therefore, everything AFTER that is in existence BECAUSE of New Donk City! Seriously, the Mall and City tracks of Mario Kart also take place there, yet you never raised a fuss about that, the city levels in Donkey

Because I fucking can, that’s why!

I have this thing that is called a life...you should try and get one for yourself sometime, as in one OTHER than being on the internet, 55_mercury.

First of all, I am not a moron, second, I do know that there is an edit button, third, I rarely use it because I mean what I say, and I also say what I mean, fourth, between my mother being a former teacher with around 30 years of experience, and myself doing the occasional bit of writing, I have a pretty good grasp

Well, next time, do not act like an immature dick, as well as ass hat, in the first place and you will not be treated like an immature dick and an ass hat...it’s really that simple! Also, speaking of taking verbal challenges, your brain is incapable of doing that in almost every regard except for the one that requires

The key words are PERFORMANCE WISE, Jeremih Raiden. How it sounds is irrelevant, and honestly turning a Viper V10 engine into an F1 engine is not all that much of a stretch for that vehicle, and especially considering the ACR and ACR-V variants of the Dodge Viper pretty much WERE such engines, albeit under racing cars