
Evolution and Christianity are like oil and water, they can never mix.

Zombies are anyone that does not follow the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Trust me, if you compare people that hate Christianity and Judaism, then you will find that they act no better intellectually than a zombie. Thankfully, they have not resorted to cannibalism and eating brains in large numbers yet, aside from

Your religion that poses as an anti-religion, a non-religion, or something of the like is a religion by default, thus you are guilty of promoting religion, you lying hypocrite!

The Holy Scriptures are even said to be sharper than any two-edged sword and the words are even said within their pages!

Evolution is anti-science, you scumbag!

The Earth is only 6,000 to 8,000 years old. Any older than that and you declare YAHWEH EL ELOHIM as an imperfect Being, you make Him out to be a liar, and you betray the TRUE Faith of Christianity, period, full stop.

Good, we could use less sources of air, land, water, noise, and gene pool pollution, as well as oxygen thievery, in people like yourself if that process was repeated ad nauseum until the world became a better place to live.

...and speaking of morons, did you take a look in the mirror lately?

I find your name and idiocy redundant, but let us not part hairs now, shall we, folks?

Should your name not be kitchenwench instead?

Religion is idolatry and idolatry and witchcraft go hand in hand, thus they are religions, albeit counterfeit ones that pose as anti-religions, non-religions, and other such things, by default, period, full stop.

You, sir, are full of crap.

“Next on Jerry Springer...”


You, sir, are full of crap.

Excuse me, but “This Present Darkness” and “Piercing the Darkness” are NOT ridiculuous! Argue otherwise and you can go do the world a favor and go play a game of Interstate Hopscotch, savvy?

...and ditto for The Pirates of Dark Water, Space Ghost, The Galaxy Trio, The Inhumanoids.

Thundarr the Barbarian and The Pirates of Dark Water need to be remade!

You, sir, are full of fucking shit.

Speaking of things that suck, you and dicks seem to go in the same sentences quite often enough, am I right?