
How about you quit playing the other games and get to the Wild Arms games as well as adding Wild Arms 1, Wild Arms 2, Wild Arms: Alter Code F, and Wild Arms XF to your list of games to play, please? Thank you.

Excuse me, but as a person that has owned and played the first three Wild Arms games, Wild Arms 2 and 3 really fleshed out what was in the first Wild Arms game, and ditto for the Wild Arms 1 remake that is called Wild Arms: Alter Code F.

The reason that they want them is that you can make some fucking awesome modifications to them and that you can also make them serious road beasts.

The Chevrolet SSR is NOT stupid and it is every bit as awesome and relevant as the Chevrolet El Camino and the GMC Sprint, Caballero, Conquistador, and the Cadillac, Buick, and Oldsmobile flower cars were, observationisstillkey. However, I will agree that it is a shame that they never brought over Holden vehicles

Oh really?

Yes, I am sorry that yours shoots blanks while I am the modern day Genghis Khan.

When you give the Dodge Rampage some modifications, then it sure can make your comment wrong, dogisbadob.

It is STILL a mother fucking truck, you mind numbed douchetard!

I would modify the vehicle with a custom left-side steering wheel and dashboard and either put in a Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat engine or a Viper GTR engine into the Chrysler (Australia) Valiant Charger.

You can simply customize the vehicle with a rebuilt dashboard.

We invented the ute after all, technically speaking, so should we not have a say in the matter?

The Harappans fought in wars and anyone that says otherwise is full of shit. However, with that being said, it is nice to know that they were such a technologically advanced society.

...unless said dead trees can save your bacon after the electromagnetic pulse machines wipe out all electronics.

Joel Pons, with manga dying, it will also be equally as likely that anime and video games, not to mention some television and film franchises, will also be dying and that, in turn, will also affect American and European, as well as other Asian, television, film, comic, video game, and cartoon franchises. This issue

Hey, dumb shit, no one ever wants to read a "destined for garbage" line simply because shit like that is too fucking depressing for people. I mean, who in the right fucking mind would EVER support such a mindset in a story, anyway? Clearly, you have proven yourself to be not in your right mind with your comment.

Pacifists are the biggest warmongers of them all as well as the biggest Communist, Socialists, Fascists, Nationalists, and scumbags of them all because they ALWAYS lie about their peaceful intentions, period, full stop.

Hello, shithead, the original ones DID have plastic in them, you numb nuts!

norsairius, you are a special kind of stupid, are you not, sir or madam?

Please go do the world a favor and piss on an electric fence, okay, CAUGHTINAMOSH? Thank you.

I have a solution for those assholes and they will become absolutely livid at my solution.