At least the timing of the one in LA was better, happening between the 1st & 2nd innings instead of the middle of a batter in a live inning
At least the timing of the one in LA was better, happening between the 1st & 2nd innings instead of the middle of a batter in a live inning
My only live sports regret is that I reluctantly turned down free tickets right behind home plate to the Cubs-Astros game at Miller Park (relocated due to Hurricane Ike) because I had a 3 hour drive home (I was in MKE visiting family at the time before I moved back).
Well, you went there. And I’ll see you on the first boat to hell.
If our trips were to the west, I’d probably employ this strategy. But all of our driving road trips that need 2 days all go through Chicago. In my experience, it’s best to drive through the Chicago area around noon any midweek day. Night time is either rush hour or road construction and is a nightmare, as is early…
Totally disagree. I want to get the majority of the drive done on day 1 then have a manageable drive the next day to at least try to maximize that day of “vacation.”
I think the Bourne trilogy (movies) are actually pretty damn fun to watch and can honestly say they are as good as* the books.
I still can’t decide which is more insane: Chicagoans disdain for ketchup (despite me thinking it’s faux-outrage by them) or Minnesotans use of “Duck, Duck, Grey Duck”
What Applebee’s are you going to? Most chain restaurants around me have 22 0z domestic taps for $5 or less. The B-dubs & Chilis down the road from me have them $5 all the time, or $3.50 or $4 on particular game days (Miller Lite = Brewers, Packers; Coors Light = Badgers)
I guess it depends on what people want to listen to. Milwaukee can handle 3 with technically only 2 pro teams (Bucks/Brewers) and 1 major D-I basketball only college (Marquette), although a lot of the programming is actually Packers related.
So, you were his doctor and or psychiatrist? If not, you have no more leg to stand on that anyone else. And as someone who both works with college students on mental health issues/suicide prevention and lost a cousin to suicide 4 months ago, I think I’m safe in saying you’re pretty narrow-minded on a very complex…
No, they said he had signs of CTE. While that may have been a contributing factor, even the parents didn’t know if there was something else.
Goddammit, Farva.
My favorite part of the game was Martinez’s wild pitch that scored Shaw in the 3rd.
ask, and you shall receive - the Journal Sentinel just ran a story on this:
No shit, Sherlock. Both my posts were clear that Cain DIDN’T touch 2nd. My point was that Chatwood THOUGHT Cain DID - he was wrong - which is why he likely didn’t throw the ball and instead tagged Yelich (once Yelich was back, safely, on 2nd).
I don’t really know, but I think it started with Cain. I don’t recall seeing it before this season.
Nope. If Cain touched 2nd, it is then his base, making 3rd the only base at which Yelich would be safe.
My guess is that Chatwood thought Cain was going to step on 2nd, making a simple tag on Yelich an out, so no need to throw it.
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