Sounds right in line with my dad’s pornhub search history and his VHS collection.
Sounds right in line with my dad’s pornhub search history and his VHS collection.
I am going to start an activist group called 1 Million Abortions. It will specifically target every bullshit thing 1MM stands up against maybe they can get litigious if need be. It can do fundraising for Planned Parenthood or something too.
Call One Million Moms what it is. A hate group
Shitty. Zola should pull ALL their ads now and not advertise on Hallmark at all anymore.
Televised football is both auditory and visual. Unless you mute your TV because you hate Joe Buck and Troy Aikman. Or put a sheet over it because you want to pretend you’re listening to a radio play in olden times.
Then you’re not going to like my idea for the next premier morning sports talk show: Boomer & Booger
John missed Aikman’s most overused and irritating verbal tic - “Heck of a ____ (usually player or job).”
Sayings we need to stop by all means necessary before they become a tic: “And it looks like they get to eat the W!”
“I think the team that takes the ball down the field and scores more points is the team that’s gonna win it, Rod!”
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes can reportedly “grip and rip”
I mean, watch Jeopardy for a while and you’ll notice the contestants avoid both sports and video game categories like they were poisoned rats or something.
This isn't very good reasoning considering that Jeopardy is chock full of questions about things the vast majority of people don't know or care about. They certainly ask about stuff far more niche and obscure than Pokemon all the time. Asking a few basic, entry level questions is not something that should be too out…
I like how it was the last category anybody picked. They were probably really relieved it was easy.
I did like the themed category titles though. Peek-at-choo-choo (pictures of trains), Geo, Dude (geology I if I remember), Odd-ish (like potpourri?), Nine Tales (works of fiction)...forgot the last one. They were all Gen I.
Where's our Towlie movie eh?
I disagree. This guy deserved all the criticism he got. It’s one thing to just make up a nonsense existence and call it real, but it’s another to distort every second Oprah reader’s perspective on addiction. The bits of “A Million Little Pieces” I read are all hyper-masculine, I-did-it-because-I-wanted-it-bad-enough,…
Yeah, sorry, the idea that what he did was innocuous is a dog that won’t hunt. He inserted himself into a real-life disaster which claimed human lives that he had no role in. He brazenly and repeatedly lied to people’s faces (including Oprah) when they asked him about criticism that parts of the book were implausible…
Like that guy who wrote that memoir "I Took A Chainsaw Up The Ass For Oprah"?
The fact that Oprah was pissed at him and proceeded to essentially beat his career into a bloody pulp was what made it special. Oprah loves us all and wants to give us cars. But cross her and she will gut you like a pig.