
My jr. year college roommate was super into The Doors and we saw a Doors cover band at a super dive-bar, low rent music venue five miles outside Kent.

Less tacky than having a Bud for Jackie. 

Wouldn’t that break some unwritten rule?

Looks like the old NHL Wheel of Justice site is no more just when you need it again.

Never miss a chance to pile on. Could have also used a New York Jets reference. 

I was saying Boo-ryce.

I know those words but that sentence makes no sense.

I’ve totally never used that loophole to smuggle in vodka. 

Not to mention the surprising return of Jim Brown. 

I want those shirts. 

The only part I could see her fit into in the Sunny universe is that rich girl that dated Charlie and legit liked him. 

I was a little disappointed. Cindy’s Russian troll bot inspired scheme more interesting than the talking Dennis sex doll. I thought it was the rare opportunity to successful satirize “both sides” like they pulled off Gun Fever: Still Too Hot. Since I have the feeling this season is going to be very Dennis lite, I

Judging by the look on Incognito’s face it’s looks like Sir Patrick isn’t very good at fellatio, and that somehow dampens my view of Stewart as a true Renaissance Man.

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times...

The cult from VHS 2. The only thing scarier than a suicide cult is a suicide cult that’s right and manages to summon a demon. 

Man, that’s the direction the Gem reboot should have gone. 

Bauer is QAnon.

His primary opponent should have moved to push the vote back to May 19th. 

I had no idea Papa John was any more a real person than Tipsy McStagger until he became a Louisville megadonor.