As a Bills fan, I can attest they never went away.
As a Bills fan, I can attest they never went away.
As a Bills fan I can guarantee you that Kelly jersey and Zubaz are authentic from the Super Bowl era.
Oh course he’s a Pats fan.
Looks like a young Eddie Guerrero.
Or beans someone with a heater for a bat flip.
Since the Bills were on the road this week I guess this will do.
When I grow up I’m going to Bovine University.
The original Dawn is the most important movie about the undead since the original Night, and “zombies” in 28 Days aren’t technically “zombies.”
I think it showed a shit ton of maturity on her part to know everyone felt sympathy towards her and didn’t want empty platitudes. I’ve never had anything remotely comparable to losing a sibling happen to me. I do know when I’ve had my troubles cliche pick me up sayings make me feel worse.
I knew a girl in college whose sister got murdered who said “if you don’t know what to say, that’s OK.”
Cream Ale is 5% ABV and Ice is 5.5% so if you don’t like Cream Ale there’s your answer.
The great thing was I could get it in Kent, but only in 30 packs at Acme and no one else could stand anything stronger than Natty Light. So I could always be a good host and offer a beer and have no one take what I paid for.
Would anything of value be lost if high school football stopped being a thing?
This was under my radar, now I can’t wait to give them 10.50.
I waited for it to get on HBO, wish I saw it in a theater. Still a great movie on any size screen. Watch it ASAP, you won’t be disappointed.
Came here to post that image.
Truth as someone who doesn’t own a pickup this is exactly how we think.
I always read the entire column before I comment, but I want to give all the hugs to Maryanne. I constantly got told to smile by management when working at Six Flags and HMS Post (they’re the ones who guage you at travel plazas and airports). At my last job at a paper factory I was gradually moving up the ranks,…
Poe’s Law.
Just me, or is it weird the announcers don’t notice a player is out cold and continue the normal banter?