
Is Jeff Van Gundy never not a whiney bitch?

Deadspin HOFer Carl Monday.

Checking twitter during TOs I found Bulls and Cavs fans on a race to the bottom for irrational pessimism. Cleveland fans have more of an excuse.

Ah, 19 Action News, the gutter of NE Ohio local news.

I don’t pretend to have remotely more basketball IQ than Blatt, but if you don’t give the ball to the the best player in the game for one shot you’re insecure and trying to prove you’re smarter than the room.

Nickleback also draws well.

Liking DMB has been a litmus test for me to see if you’re a douchebag since Jr high. I will admit I like Satellite. I guess everyone is a little bit douchey.

It took waaaaaay too long for the MST3K reference to come up.

Who throws a shoe?

I wasn’t arachnophobic until the last photo.

The dumb part of me wants to go on Marshall message boards to find posters defending the guy. So glad they left the MAC.

Excellent piece, super glad Harris’s story got told.

Nothing can kill the Grimace.

I worked at a Dunkin’ on the NYS Thruway and you dumb hosers would always come in and try and order Tim Bits. Congrats, a different parent company bought the plaza and it’s now a Tim Horton’s.

My dad thinks it pronounced Chilenos and thought the Kent, Ohio location was the only Chipotle until they expanded to Upstate NY.

Jurgen Klinsmann honestly says the US isn’t ready to win the World Cup and he wants him deported. Domestic violence? Meh.

No one loves Affleck’s Daredevil.

I was really high when I saw it so I loved the visuals and enjoyed it as an action movie. I just found the super hyper masculinity hilarious. Still I talked to plenty of bros after it came out who looked at it as a manifesto of being a man which made me face palm.

Watchmen is divisive, not loved. As a fan of the graphic novel I thought it was as good as a film adaptation you could get.

X-Men 3 is a movie I liked but everyone else hates.