
I watched with my literal bro high school bros who are living in their parents basement. Made me feel young for once. Still had no idea who were any of the musical acts were.

El Salvador number one exporter of potassium!

Since I'm too lazy to read 20 comments, I'm going to assume I'm the first to suggest this video should be set to Benny Hill music.

Came to the comments to say the exact same thing.

I can never guess the grade based on reading Leitch's review. "Pretentious judgment of the younger generation, B-."

As the only person in the anime/Bar Rescue fan in the Venn Diagram I loved that.

It looks like he's giving me the finger with his Pepsi.

In all honesty I was like that at the end of the 2005 MAC women's tournament as a manager and I didn't have to put on a musical performance. Props to her.

Ron Hunter is my March spirit animal.

That's what I thought, surprised the announcers didn't mention it. Seems like a 50/50 call to me. I prefer just letting the call stand than having the refs stare at a monitor for twenty minutes to figure out who won.

Without Google cheating I think it's in PA. It's mostly know for it's "go hard big Dick!" chants.

The real problem is with the First Four. Let the mediocre high majors play in the NIT.

I was going to say he wasn't all bad until he suggested you should shoot a guy you thought looked like Hardy if he showed up to take your daughter on a date.

Pro Hockey Talk Commenter?

I certainly exploited cheap wing night with other bros and they'd say I was a pushover for tipping too much because they were cheap assholes who left change or a dollar and I wanted to at least have the table get to 15%.

OG is perfectly cromulent stoned dinning, it's just that some entitled suburbanites think it's fine dinning and act like they're somehow way above the staff.

Maybe because I'm always in small parties but I usually get seated about 10 minutes less than the hostess' estimation, and I don't hate Olive Garden (it's a great break from dorm food when you're a poor college student) but if you're willing to wait 2 hours for it something is really wrong with you.

As an American I was 100% behind Canada in that angle.

As an American from the other side of the Lake from Toronto I find your polite sensibilities don't prevent you from calling out assholes, which is why I admire your great Nation.

I'm not going to deny these people exist in the IWC but 99% of smarks hate them and just ignore them until they go to another fourm.