Charles Sage

Said Ash to the pokemon Bisharp.

"Your porno character is based on me! I want my check!"
Yep, he's an internet commenter all right.

Terr Rerb Tuk Er Jerbs!

For him it's aquamarine.
Don't ask how I know.


We're outta 'Dikachu' license plates!

Please… You go through everyone's trash.

A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

Hmm… The Speed Formula has been shown to accelerate biological processes,and Jesse's selective mantra access for her hereditary speed powers would probably reduce the risk of accelerated aging, but it's also been shown that she inherited her mother's healing factor and superhuman strength, and I'm note sure how the

Pop Po-eh whatever.

Dirty Harry 5!

You see, he drinks a whiskey drink, a vodka drink, a lager drink. He gets knocked down, but he gets up again, you're never gonna keep him down…

Just let the gentle current relax you…
Did the water just get warmer?

Hope Rob don't say balls nasty.

James Bong?

Tara Chase can beat that in one panel.

'Giuliani has a lot to answer for.'
-Frank Castle.

Didn't he already do a mini called "The Square" about Division & Gold in Baltimore?

"I remember the real New York, when in a single night you could score some weed, catch a Times Square porno and get stabbed in the neck by a coked up Lou Reed."
-Stephen Colbert.

There's a Rorschach joke in there somewhere…