Charles Sage

Strix is likely a new character.

The stones could be referred to as gems once they're polished and set in the gauntlet.

Peter David had been pointing it out since Encounter at Farpoint.

Lands art sometimes draws me out of it, but Fake Odin Banner vs. Old Thing should be fun. Wonder ifany of X-Factor will pop up.

It was basically re-canceled for a while there. The #3 they originally solicited was another Lashley issue about Strix's origin, which I still hope they get around to.

"A trap door? What is this, D&D?"
"Uhh. Elf needs healer badly."
-The Question, 52 #4

Squadron Supreme/sinister was a bit of a letdown. It's not the Silver Age or Gruenwald versions and te JLA homage has become a superficial winking reference over a generic group of superhuman gangsters.

The AV Club
Okay, who had weird sex on this couch last night?
[everyone raises hand]

This is a new timeline.

We thought if we starved it, Wizard magazine would die. But it just went dormant, and has returned in the form of ACE: All Comics Evaluated.

I'm really surprised how relatively subdued Doom's Influence has been on the makeup of the new world given his ego.

Or cargo pants and a Batman polo shirt at a comic shop.

I usually go with the Arthur Brown.

Do I go with the Willy Wonka 'A little nonsense now & then…' Or the Dark Knight 'Introduce a little anarchy…'?

-Congress, to Bill Gaines.

Plus, the minimal characterization really gives Weaver an opportunity to showcase her

I dunno… I ain't never hoida no mayor..

Stevenson's new Runaways book is selling like crazy, and I had 0 expectations from it since we got burned by so many other post Vaughn and Alphona runs.

A sobering lesson to anyone who thinks an internet community could be anything approaching civil in person.
I say we nuke the next A.V. club festival from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

But that's not important right now.