Charles Sage

And Larsen's Doom Patrol. Dude's the Forrest Bump of proto-vertigo DC weird titles. Him and Dr. Huntoon.

"You know, if I could just kill Batman, I think I could save the world."
"Interesting. A delusion akin to my own certainty that Superman's— oh. You're mocking me, aren't you"

'I'm never going to the planet Cannibal on again!"
"I know… Food was good though."

That's courtesy of the episode's director: Milwaukee native Brian Sheesly.

"A friend of mine said he tried to mug you but you had superpowers…"

I don't like wheer this is heading. Give it to 'em, Andrew!

'I'm tired of parallel Bender lording his cowboy hat over me.'
'I know Big Vinnie said he was giving me the kiss of death, but I still think he was gay.'

That he most certainly did surely not.

The foresight to record a few lines for a future Lucy Liu callback was genius.

Nerdiest joke on TV.
8th nerdiest joke in Futurama.


Superking, Cloberella and all the rest.

Superking has all the powers of a king
Plus all the powers of Superman
Also he's a robot
Keep it cool Superking you rule!

Does that dummy have a brother?

Let's do it.
Next year in Jerusalem.

Birthplace of beer goggles.

The fact that their logo was the old JLA masthead was just icing on the cake.

No you… Doesn't!

A superpowers drug you can just rub into your skin! It's unbelievable!
I know. You'd think it'd be something you'd have to freebase.

Superheroes cause a lot of property damage. We don't wanna get our butts sued.