Charles Sage

The cost of the damage is slightly less than the value of the Gemerald. A net gain for our fair city!

"Bone Meal"
"Earwig honey"


The AV Club
Has no need for loved ones.
[autographs card]
[kicks over crutch]
Howyadoin kid.

From everybody?

'El Zilcho'…
Say, is it too late to change my account name)

Surely you mean 'love'?

'Ability to command the loyalty of sea creatures?'
Hey Zoidberg, get in here!

Glenn Beck?
Glenn. Beck.
You could go to any garden variety newspaper-clipping festooned inpatient suite at the local minimum security candy jar hospital for Beck's brand of bonkers! The Clown prince of crime brings madness of a certain panache. And people think that 9 to 5 'camera crazy' right chicken wing can

>Welcome, all to the future! And see the shining stars! Welcome-<
[machine guns the singing robots]
I hate that song.

When you're typing on the net, and your back end feels wet, diarrhea.
When you're logging onto disquos and your poo is really viscous, diarrhea!
When you're making this lame joke, and the rectal floodgate's broke diarrhea.

Ah, Earth 3. Now there was a Gotham I liked. Even that, ugh, sad clown crusader Jokester had some chuckles once he came around to my way of thinking.
Hehehehehahaha. HA!

Oh, I wouldn't know. Batsy's done the old balloon animal so much damage over the years I've got no feeling down there at all anymore.

You n' me both.
Who were we talking about? Doesn't matter.

Give me time.

I wouldn't: Ultramenstruum tastes like paper pulp and Grant Morrison's sweat.
Hahahaha! HA HA HA HAH HA! HaHAEEha! AhaAHA hA HA HA!

Watching Daredevil. It's hilarious! I haven't seen a blind lawyer and a huge babyfaced lunatic go at it like that outside of a Wal-Mart parking lot! HEE! Ha ha ha ha ha HA! Hoo-ha-hoo!

Eh, this whole Convergence thing's a mess. I've had to poison 65 alternate impostors. (Although come to think of it a lot of those may've just been clowns). Oh, well… HA ha ha HA hooee! HehehehAAA hA-hA HAAA! Ha ha ha ha HA!

There once was a psycho named Babs.
Whose affections, it seems are for grabs.
The smack, she's been hoardin'
She stepped out on Gordon,
And now Jimmy's got shampoo for crabs!

Jokes? And no-one thought to consult me? Jeez, a guy's in solitary for a week and then falls down a smokestack and everybody acts like he's dead! Heh! Here's one:
Your mother's so stupid, she hired a party clown from a classified ad in Gotham City.
Guess how that worked out?